Did you keep diving after having children?

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I've been a single parent since my daughter was just over a year old, and didn't take up diving until she was about 5. Mainly because of childcare issues and I felt that I couldn't take the "time away" from her while she was still so young.

The amount of time that I spend diving has slowly increased as she gets older, but it is still relatively limited. I'm always juggling school activities, extracurricular activities and other family commitments with my desire to go diving - not to mention whether or not I've got someone to keep an eye on her at home when I do go. She doesn't seem to be interested in taking up diving herself.

I do wish I could dive more often, but at the same time I am aware that soon enough my daughter will reach an age where she would rather spend time with her friends than with mom :wink: - and not soon after that will be out of the house completely.

Having children may mean that you can't dive as often as you did before - but it doesn't mean that you can't dive at all. Your individual circumstances regarding availability of childcare, whether your children are interested in diving, etc. can play a big role in how often you are able to dive.
It all comes down to 2 things. Do you have the motivation to keep diving and do you have the money to pay a babysitter untill the kids turn 10 and can dive with you? It's that simple.

I didn't start diving until after i had kids but I was an avid snowskier when they were born. I can remember dragging the portacrib to the mountain so my husband (at the time) and I could ski in shifts. My friends thought i was nuts. They were always too busy, too tired, too this, too that. They made me nuts. They thought i was crazy, I thought they were boring. So just remember...all you need is money and motivation....oh yeah...and a good babysitter.
I'm new here, but I agree with Dave completely.
We started diving when our kids were old enough to go through certification with us. It had been my husband's lifelong dream & I was determined not to be left on the beach watching the towels!
Now that the kids are in college, our family diving vacations are some of our best memories. And we are still dive buddies.
One suggestion-instead of leaving the baby home with someone, you could maybe take someone with you to babysit while you're diving.
But one thing I'd like to emphasize: Expect your life to change in a million wonderful ways when you become parents. Parenthood is not for the weakhearted or uncommitted! Don't take that step unless you both really want to.
So, parents, any thoughts on:
1. How soon did you resume diving after childbirth? 10 months (I had a C-section and didn't feel comfortable before then)
2. Do you dive less often or not at all because of the kids? Less often because we don’t really have many options for babysitters.
3. Do you still dive together as a buddy couple after having kids? Buddy couple when Grandma is visiting and with others when given the chance...someone has to stay home!
4. How do you plan dive vacations with children? Invite the Grandparents who live out of state!
5. Do you still want to dive or are you too tired to care? With a soon to be 3 year old, I never have energy. But it is amazing how I can find tons of it when it is time to go diving!!:D

Brian and I haven’t been able to dive as often as we would like because of sitter issues. We have no family in the area and are hesitant to leave Haley for 6 hours with someone. Family time is wonderful. But the one thing we learned early on is to take time for ourselves as a couple and for ourselves individually. I believe it is key in making a relationship work. I went diving with a girlfriend earlier this month and he is playing golf today. It is a balancing act, but worth every moment!

Good luck to you.
I went back to diving and Tom came with me. Next trip Helen will be there too.

You cant believe how much fun it is to watch your children on their first dives.

Husbands are the most important factor.
what if you don't have one and want to keep diving?

this whole thread just makes me want to cry...
what if you don't have one and want to keep diving?

this whole thread just makes me want to cry...

I'm a single parent... IT IS POSSIBLE! You will find that other single parents love to barter time... Find someone who mirrors your own parenting style and values and it becomes a little easier.... finding someone is the hard part.

Next weekend I'm taking my AOW dives and needed someone to watch the kids. I have family in the area, but they don't like to babysit much at all for me to have fun, so I was able to get my son's cubscout den leader's family to watch them on one day and my brother the other.

Be creative.... it takes effort. But it's possible. And all of it is worth it.
I like diving beacuase dad can't talk!
now thats funny, dad dosent want to talk , he wants to dive!!!! so send me to the fishes!!!! no please dont throw me into the ocean!!! please...... just dont throw me into the water with the sharks!!! damn i love sharks!! they are so much nicer then MY kids!!!!:shakehead
We live on a small Islandin the Pacific and have a dive sight 800 feet from our home and the Blue Grotto 3 min from home. Because it is very cheap to have a live in Nanny here $250USD per month. She also helps carry gear on shore dives. Very handy and we are very spoiled!
As for dive vacations we tend to do dive resorts in the PI where they tend to be more child friendly. We have found PPR in Palau, PIC in Guam, Alantus Dive Resorts in the PI to be very child friendly.
Still my wife is the best dive buddy only need to look into her eyes and I usually know what she is thinking. ( little need for hand signals)
1. How soon did you resume diving after childbirth?
Me: the next day. She:Nearly did it but got another bun in the oven sooner than expected
2. Do you dive less often or not at all because of the kids?
Me: Done a record number of dives since. She: that barstard is always out diving!!
3. Do you still dive together as a buddy couple after having kids?
Me: Not yet but maybe the summer after number 2 arives. She: ditto
4. How do you plan dive vacations with children?
Me: vacations are for when the kid leave home :( She: I need a holiday NOW!
5. Do you still want to dive or are you too tired to care?
Me: I dont want to dive. I NEED to dive. She: Well if i dont dive I never seen him!

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