Did you keep diving after having children?

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both places.

yea....watching them cross the lot...same thing. I think you sound like you have the same philosophy.
As a new dad and avid diver I was (am) concerned how it would impact my diving. My son is now 5 weeks old and I got to dive when he was 2 weeks and plan to dive this weekend, so far so good it's less than normal but doable. My wife dives as well so its been 10 months since she has dived and will probably be 2 more before she can dive again, so I count my blessings. I will make it up by taking her down to Cozumel for her return to diving. I think the big thing is that nothing just happens on its own you have to plan and make time for it. The funny thing is I bought more dive gear in the month he has been born than all year and I already have 2 or more of everything. I think its a subconcious rebellion to the to the idea that he will keep me from diving.
There was a point when my boys were very young that I only dove twice in a years time. I got really frurtrated. My solution was to buy a boat. I bought a 20ft Cobia and we had some really great times. My wife and would take turns in the water...I know it's solo but we were able to choose safe shallow reefs. I was also able to introduce the boys to scuba and snorkeling at a very young age. I've since sold the boat and got back into instructing as they become older and their interests changed.... (girls,sports, peer friends). The instructing kept me from being suckered into coaching sports etc. These activities can really eat into your dive time.
As a new dad and avid diver I was (am) concerned how it would impact my diving. My son is now 5 weeks old and I got to dive when he was 2 weeks and plan to dive this weekend, so far so good it's less than normal but doable. My wife dives as well so its been 10 months since she has dived and will probably be 2 more before she can dive again, so I count my blessings. I will make it up by taking her down to Cozumel for her return to diving. I think the big thing is that nothing just happens on its own you have to plan and make time for it. The funny thing is I bought more dive gear in the month he has been born than all year and I already have 2 or more of everything. I think its a subconcious rebellion to the to the idea that he will keep me from diving.

Hi Canadian.Diver,
Thanks for your first post!
Congratulations on your new baby!
When do you plan to take your wife to Cozumel, and will you bring the baby with you?
My husband is the same way as you. He keeps asking me if we can book another liveaboard trip yet even though I have no idea what will be happening a year from now.
I have a son 11 years and a son 3 years. I am a new instructor. It didn't effect me at all. My husband doesn't dive, but I just tote a babysitter around with me and make it a vacation for them. My 11 year old just got certified and is loving it. I think it brings us closer as a family.
My husband and I got certified in 1991 and used to go on 3-4 trips (including diving) a year. We went to Hawaii, and most of the Caribbean hotspots, including Bonaire, Dominica, Cayman and Provo.

We had trouble getting pregnant, so everytime we had a failed IVF attempt, we went diving (for my sanity).

So, here are the answers to the questions:

1. How soon did you resume diving after childbirth?

We went on a trip with diving, when our son was 2 1/2. It was an all-inclusive in Jamaica with relatively poor diving, but at least we both got wet.

2. Do you dive less often or not at all because of the kids?

Now we go only once a year. We're limited by school schedules and cost.

3. Do you still dive together as a buddy couple after having kids?

We do dive together, but since we are not that compatible as a buddy team (I do photography and go slowly, he just zooms on without me), I usually try to find a more compatible buddy when I get to the dive boat.

4. How do you plan dive vacations with children?

It's harder to plan, and we always try to pick a place that has good child care or a kids camp. We've gone to Beaches resorts and Breezes Curacao. This year we're planning a trip to Bonaire, since our son is a little older and will be able to snorkel and do SASY.

5. Do you still want to dive or are you too tired to care?

I want to dive more than ever. I find it so therapeutic!! And when I know my kid is happy and playing with other kids, and is well looked after, I enjoy my dives as much as I ever have. Last summer we went on an all-day trip in Curacao, and had a great time. Our son was a little annoyed that we were gone all day, but he got over it. After all, he does spend all day at camp or school. But we also spent a lot of time together as a family, going to the aquarium and I took him to the caves and ostrich farm -- he loved that!!!

Another thing we would love to try is Kids Sea Camp. Maybe next summer!

Hope this helps!

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