Did you ever watch Rocky and Bullwinkle?

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I was wrong... they were the Banana Splits. Now don't forget Snagglepuss, Jabberjaw, Dixie & Pixie, Jinx, Wacky Racers, Yogi Bear and Boo Boo.
I grew up in Chicago and couldn't wait to get home from school (~ '61-'66) and turn on "Garfield Goose" a local show. I'd almost forgotten about it until my brother sent me a few links to some galleries and downloads at Christmas. But yes, Rocky & Bullwinkle , the Shari Lewis Show, Romper Room, and Captain Kangeroo were my staples. That and a few years later, the "Avengers" shows with Emma Peal. She was hot !
I grew up in Chicago and couldn't wait to get home from school (~ '61-'66) and turn on "Garfield Goose" a local show. I'd almost forgotten about it until my brother sent me a few links to some galleries and downloads at Christmas. But yes, Rocky & Bullwinkle , the Shari Lewis Show, Romper Room, and Captain Kangeroo were my staples. That and a few years later, the "Avengers" shows with Emma Peal. She was hot !

Yep..it was part of the Garfield Goose cartoons. WGN rocks!
.... When Dorothy opened the door of the house after it crashed down, everything turned to color.
Doesn't seem like a big thing now......But then it was OH WOW!!!

I remember that! We only had a B&W set. I was at a slumber party at a girlfriends house where watching the Wizard of OZ was the main attraction. We were mezmerized!
My mother the car
car 54 Where are you Casn't remember if that was the name or not.
"F" troop
Clutch cargo where the face was cartoon, and the lips were real.
And who could forget.. Lost in Space with Dr. Smith the snivelling MD Corniest monsters there ever were.
Dudley's horse's name was....Horse!

Ya beat me to it!

I hardly ever watch TV any more - maybe 'cause the new stuff just doesn't hold a candle to the old classics.

"The Wonderful World of Disney" is one of the few good memories I have of my childhood - and I got to stay up "late" to watch it :D
...at lunch time there were 15 minute soap operas like "Love-of-Life", after school there was American Bandstand (Paula and her guy were my favorites and Juicy Fruit Gum the sponsor), Saturday nights were Perry Mason...hey how 'bout 77 Sunset Strip..."Cookie Cookie loan me your comb"...Tarzan was on after the Saturday morning cartoons. Soupy Sales (sp?) is he still alive? Uncle Pug remember “Plunk you magic twanger Froggy”! How ‘bout Buster Brown in the shoe and the Nestle Quick dog???

I really don't remember any of this...I got it from my older siblings! hehehehe And Natasha, Boris's Natasha wasn't mean, she was sultry and very sexy before we knew what sexy was...
The cartoons didn't hold my attention very well but Captain Kangaroo, Sky King, Fury, Flicka, Lassie, Flipper...if it had an animal in it, I was hooked!

I shall miss the jolly ole Captain...

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