Marebythesea:Jenny, your right, it does sound like that's all we did, but I spent way more time outside than I did in the house and I'm willing to bet most of the people who have added a post to this thread did too...we weren't allowed to sit around or stay in the house...we played kickball, cops and robbers, stick ball, hide-n-seek, we went bowling, in the winter I skated before school and even hiked 5 miles in the snow to...blah blah blah Well, ok that last part is really stretching the truth a bit. I always brought my skates to school so I could ice skate after class, before I went home for dinner. Oh, and of course there were the roller skates that had to be adjusted with those "keys." We played paddle ball and tennis and I was always competing on a softball and/or basketball team. During the summer we were either at the park or in the pool. There were Brownies, Girl Scouts,the library and church activities.
It makes me sad when I compare our lives then, all the freedom and innocence we grew up with, and the world our children live in now. When I was 11 I was hopping the bus in East Orange, NJ to New York (don't tell my Mom!) Life was so different--it was a great time to be a child.
Yes, that was me too. Only I really did walk to school in the snow, and then back for lunch, and back to school, and back home again every day in Chicago in the winter. We did it, and we liked it. LOL No choice in the matter, really.
And I still tell the story that when I was 9 I was allowed to take the bus to buy my first 45 record. ('Can't take my eyes off of you')