Did you ever watch Rocky and Bullwinkle?

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Tavi, it was
"Eanie, meanie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak"

not beanie..............

Not a cartoon, but Get Smart was one of my favorites back them, along with Hogan's Heroes. Adam-12 was the only TV show my father ever watched.

Wistful thinking,


I should have trusted my memory. I had typed in meany, and then thought it didn't sound right and changed it!!

Hogan's Heros was one of my after school favorites!!
Every once in a while I'll be in a corridor or tunnell and the theme to Get Smart will start in my head!! :D
Tavi ....

Dudley's horse had a name ... but I can't remember it... little help here ?

Dudley's horse's name was....Horse!

Hello dollink.

Sorry Natasha but this is straight off the net. LOL

"Natasha is a mean lady. She works with Boris Badenov in order to make the world a mean place. She is tall and does not seem to have much independence. It figures, since she works for Fearless Leader!

Natasha doesn't seem to have a strong character. Boris can have scenes without her, but she cannot have scenes without him in them. Little is known about Natasha, besides her strong Pottsylvanian heritage and her tendency to meanness. Natasha is tall and slender with dark hair. There's talk that her character had something to do with the affects of the Cold War on Americans, but according to her, she knows no such thing!"

"Boris is a mean evil schnook. That's all he is. He works with fellow Pottsylvanian Natasha Fatale in order to do mean things to the world. Usually they get into a run-in with our heroes Rocky and Bullwinkle, who defend the innocent from their evil plans. Boris has no friends. Just enemies, or so he says. He is only slightly taller than Rocky and wears a black suit and hat. There is yet to be an episode of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" in which Boris wins at the end. He is generally unlucky."


Absolutely hilarious! Thanks. Love it!

I forgot about Fearless leader..maybe new title for Pete?
Maybe this thread should be called the "Way Back Machine"! Right Mr Peabody? Don't forget George of the Jungle, Top Cat, Felix the Cat, The Banana Bunch (?), El Ka Bong, Droopy, and Magilla Gorilla.
Remember Johnny Quest?, and my favorite part of the Bullwinkle show: "Fractured Fairy Tales".
You know Tavi,

My son was taught to never, ever give his real name on the Internet or the phone. Imagine my surprise when we started getting junk mail for Bob Aluey. :eyebrow: "That's Mah Boy!"
You know Tavi,

My son was taught to never, ever give his real name on the Internet or the phone. Imagine my surprise when we started getting junk mail for Bob Aluey. :eyebrow: "That's Mah Boy!"

Cool!! :smileysto
Uncle Pug:
I'm old.... "It's Howdy Doody time."

My Grandparents on my moms side had an old TV/Radio/Record Player. The TV screen was round. The TV didn't work. My Grandma would listen to Radio Shows.
The only one I can think of right now is........
"Who Knows what evil lurks in the minds of men??......The Shadow Knows!"

The first time I saw color TV (to the younger crowd: yeah, they weren't always color) I was at my other Grandparents house. we were watching The Wizard of Oz. When Dorothy opened the door of the house after it crashed down, everything turned to color.
Doesn't seem like a big thing now......But then it was OH WOW!!!

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