Did you ever watch Rocky and Bullwinkle?

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The cartoons didn't hold my attention very well but Captain Kangaroo, Sky King, Fury, Flicka, Lassie, Flipper...if it had an animal in it, I was hooked!
Don't forget Mighty Mouse and Under Dog!!!!
Sometimes, somehow, I forget how old I am. Imagine that!
I was told my new advatar looks mean.
The sweet person who told me that, never heard of the villian Natasha ..
of Natasha and Boris fame.
Have you?

Tell me dahlink... how iss Fearless Leader? And Boris? Are you still hunting for dat moose and skvirl?


Okay kids, let's all get into The Way Back Machine now...
Hey Rocky........Watch me pull a rabbitt out of my hat.

Eanie, beanie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak 1

I remember. And it appears I'm in good company!!
What about Felix the cat..........
Marvin the martian............
Dudley Dooright.......and sweet Nell........Snydley Whiplash.....
hmmmm.....trying to remember others :)
Hello dollink.

Sorry Natasha but this is straight off the net. LOL

"Natasha is a mean lady. She works with Boris Badenov in order to make the world a mean place. She is tall and does not seem to have much independence. It figures, since she works for Fearless Leader!

Natasha doesn't seem to have a strong character. Boris can have scenes without her, but she cannot have scenes without him in them. Little is known about Natasha, besides her strong Pottsylvanian heritage and her tendency to meanness. Natasha is tall and slender with dark hair. There's talk that her character had something to do with the affects of the Cold War on Americans, but according to her, she knows no such thing!"

"Boris is a mean evil schnook. That's all he is. He works with fellow Pottsylvanian Natasha Fatale in order to do mean things to the world. Usually they get into a run-in with our heroes Rocky and Bullwinkle, who defend the innocent from their evil plans. Boris has no friends. Just enemies, or so he says. He is only slightly taller than Rocky and wears a black suit and hat. There is yet to be an episode of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" in which Boris wins at the end. He is generally unlucky."
Island Hopper,
I can't remember his horses name, My wife can't either.

Was a good day of work??
did you retire??
I was going to mention Super Chicken also, but someone beat me to it.

Tavi, it was
"Eanie, meanie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak"

not beanie.

I still say "nuthin' up my sleeve but my arm" every once in a while, and most people have no idea where it came from.

I think that Bill Cosby was doing Fat Albert on the comedy albums back then, but the cartoon didn't come along until later.

In junior high I used to come home and watch Speed Racer and Kimba on TV. I had to watch on the little black & white TV because my mother and sister were watching Dark Shadows and the other soaps on the color console TV.

Not a cartoon, but Get Smart was one of my favorites back them, along with Hogan's Heroes. Adam-12 was the only TV show my father ever watched.

Wistful thinking,


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