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Rick..... thanks for what I would expect from you....a very brief review of deep air diving......To help some here without getting into the dive details,,,both dives beyond rec. limits were 'bounced'......we were both surprized I admit that the lake dipped to those depths as the maps don't indicate it nor does some discussions with local divers in the area....we have dove near this spot on several occ. before and not beyond the low 120's, it was surprizing to find the bottom decend as such to the riverbed.....we penciled our topo's. I can assure the reader that follow-up dives here will entail some gear and planning alterations---'exploration leads to change'. You can read into or out of our trek briefs on this succesful day of sport diving what you want. You can try to stir the waters as is your style....the fact is Rick that all went well and at no time on these to short dips were we pushing to hard on the box or envelope flap.......all diving comes with risks and 'anything' can happen on 'any' dive.

PS--- in the spirit of the holidays... best wishs to you Rick your wife and 'newest' family addition.

If both of you & Timeliner can maintain composure when the crap hits the fan & are proficient in doing a ESA from 166 feet of freshwater. By all means keep pulling those kinds of dives off that way and tell Brother Rick to hush. On the other hand if your not, you should give more time in your planning & preperation.
You guys pulled off some dives like 2 absolute knuckleheads,!!! If one problem would of occurred, one or both of you would of not been making these posts this morning.
I hope everyone that reads these posts understands that.

Happy Holidays
I've found most people agree about one thing in diving...how to make it as safe as possible. It's the details that we all disagree on. :)


I've found most people agree about one thing in diving...how to make it as safe as possible. It's the details that we all disagree on. :)

LOL Well played, Soggy....well played....
Each and everyday I wake up and try to learn a few things. Each day I do something incorrect as well. 'Been that way for 50 years now. Yesterday was no different.
The dives were good . I did take a wrong turn on the drive home though so I'll have to watch for that next time around. Sometimes things do happen a bit different then the original plan. For those that know much better then me about fear, risk, life and death your high place in society is still intact and I thank you for your comments and concern I really do. There are a lot of you out there by the way. It's refreshing to know that folks actually care. I learn from your wisdom.

Some folks never liked me anyway.:D
Oh... BTW .. For them We left a Anatomically Correct action figure of Micheal Jackson down there for People to search for. I've heard that some folks here actually collect them. It will be a must have trophy for somebody :rofl3:

At the risk of offending somebody else and once again be politically incorrect I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :14:
Ah the good old fun with ScubaBoard. I knew as soon as I read Timeliner's post that there would be a few flames going on hahah.

He should have his DM card revoked? That is a little harsh, don't you think?

I would dive with them anytime. Great guys and fun divers. Of course, I am a risk taker myself. Once I even drove 65mph in a 55mph zone.
Darwin party, table for 3?
He should have his DM card revoked? That is a little harsh, don't you think?
Not really all that harsh ... people tend to look up to dive professionals and try to emulate them. If you cannot conduct yourself within the tenets of the agency you represent then you shouldn't be a representative of that agency.

We have a former NAUI instructor in my area that dives just like Timeliner. He took a bunch of students and former students on a dive last month ... one with a "plan" that sounds very similar to that described in the OP ... and one of those divers never came back. They last saw him at 160 feet and he never surfaced.

We all have the right to do dangerous ... even stupid ... things, and if we die in the process it's due to our own choices. But divemasters and instructors operate from a position of trust ... the people we bring into the scuba world watch us and do things because we do them. If we cannot conduct ourselves in ways that don't violate that trust, then we shouldn't have those positions.

Timeliner's probably got some pretty good diving skills, so it's likely that it won't be him that dies on one of these little adventures ... it'll be the less-experienced diver who follows his lead and discovers the hard way that he cut his safety margins too thin ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hey, don't blame Frank.....al that stale air he's been breathing in those tunnels is affecting his judgement. :wink:
Timeliner's probably got some pretty good diving skills, so it's likely that it won't be him that dies on one of these little adventures ... it'll be the less-experienced diver who follows his lead and discovers the hard way that he cut his safety margins too thin ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

BTW, Timeliner (Frank) is not the DM, his dive buddy is. Not an argument, just a point of clarification. Timeliner is the less-experienced diver.

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