Man, was that cool.
It started out at the pool, obviously... We spent a lot longer there than we thought we would. We went over some of my notes from DIR-F and talked about SADDDD.
We then took a standard set of skills... Focusing on the buoyancy and OOA donation skills... And hit the pool.
What a terrific tool a pool can be.
We all agreed that it had been a great day of learning, focusing, and fine tuning.
I was floored at how smooth mgri looked underwater. Here's a guy with 30 dives under his belt diving a bp/wings, long hose, and a pair of jet fins. His buoyancy was spot-on... Much better than any of us looked like at 30 dives!
For that matter, we had a tough time keeping up with him at all!
We probably played around mostly with the very challenging "backward kick." It's definitely not a feat for the weak of heart.
After the dives, we headed over to grab some much needed grub... We took the long route to the restaurant, but hey, we got there.
By the time we hit the river to do our fossil dive, it was nighttime and there was a chill in the air. Nonetheless, mgri and I (RavenC forfeited for the cold - she's prone to it) descended, and after doing another "fine tuning" of weight (saltwater now) we were off... The plan was 40 minutes at a max depth of 23 feet.
Well, our max depth was actually 31 feet... But we were spot on the 40 minute mark. We managed to never lose each other, which was quite a feat, given that it was a low-vis dive at night... In roughly a 1.5 knot current!
The nighttime marine life was fascinating. As usual for the May River, there was lots of shrimp... Which still hold their reputation correctly as swimming hypodermic needles. I got stuck once, and one managed to wedge itself between my head and first stage and 'bout scared the poop out of me when it "popped" out of there. Lol... Also, one (these suckers have got to be 6" to 8", too) managed to get between mgri's arm and side... When I went to brush it away, it, too, "popped," and he jumped... Which made me jump. I swear, this place has got more surprises than a carnival fun house.
Nerves jumpy, I 'bout freaked when I saw this huge claw come out of the blackness, aiming for my fingers... That's when I saw a gloved hand wrapped around it, and I began to hear mgri's laughter as he "assaulted" me with crab claw - apparently severed during some sort of crab territorial fight... I yelled at him, but he couldn't hear.
Of course, the yelling ended in laughter.
We did manage to find an old bottle that is perhaps from the mid 20th century... Tough to tell. It's desalinizing in my sink as you read this.
What a great pair of dives. Simple fun, with an amazing amount learned today in the pool. We definitely need more of these "practice days." I'm going to see if we can find ourselves a closer/better location than the shallow pool in Bluffton.