Deep Diving on Air

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TS&M could you tell NWG about you dive with peter and not knowing the air pressure till after the dive started.

I have no need to lie Its posted, go find It.
Thanks smell, thought you want to close thread, and they have seen this, just new to you, vis is great on these dives and my pics are not good, maybe they will get better.
VDGM, seriously amigo, your posts promoting deep air diving are kind of like having that guy playing the banjo on the movie Deliverance promoting the merits of extensive inbreeding.
Hank that's the diving I do, I had pics cause trying to see how light is on speargun to shoot video.

Sure I do shallow Dives for spearing cab's and few other fish.

Every where on my Island is deep and I explore the deeper depths all I can, mostly to deep for my camera and I do not take much on the 200'+ dives.
VDGM, seriously amigo, your posts promoting deep air diving are kind of like having that guy playing the banjo on the movie Deliverance promoting the merits of extensive inbreeding.


Yeah and attacking TSM about not diving with a full tank? She explained in perfect detail how she worked through the necesary gas reserves for the 60 foot dive. I'm still having trouble understanding how finding fault with that?

Is he following some kind of mantra that says: Never dive without a full tank"?

Seriously, you are loosing me here. Are you trying to make us deep air divers look bad? :shakehead::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
Not sure if VDGM is TRYING, but hes sure doing a good job at it..
Dump it was not the dive she posted it was a little while ago, she made a post on a divers dive today and I remember her trip report of there team going diving and she and the team did not know she had very little air till after dive got on its way.

I think yesterday it was said you have to be able to take what divers do not agree on not as a insult and discuss, that's what I did. NWG said I am a liar and he Knows, of he knows, and I'm sure by now he knows he is wrong.

Want to discuss Cf of air here we are. My experience in al80's are from years of use, when I went to bonaire I could do 200' dive 3 times a day and meet back up with my wife and niece at 110' or so and finish the dive with them. When I caught up to them we were in within 200 psi. My wife loved going down 200'+ in warm water 2mm shorties and still getting an 1 hour dive and 500 psi left.

Diving cold water and Deep Air is much different.
VDGM is referring to a dive I did a year or so ago, where I was in a tremendous hurry because I was late, and missed THREE separate times when I normally check my pressure before I dive, including the fact that the "team" check didn't involve reporting actual pressure, but just a verbal confirmation that each of us had enough gas for the dive.

After we got underwater, I checked my gauge and discovered I did not have a full tank. I immediately did the necessary calculations and concluded that I still had plenty of gas to do the dive we had planned, and I did, and we did that dive, and it did not have to be made shallower or shortened because of my mistake.

It was an error, an individual error AND a team error. It has happened once in almost a thousand dives. It made me even more meticulous, and also made me very resistant to being hurried into the water.

I fail to see in any way how this is related to going to 200 feet on a single Al80, ON PURPOSE.
You shook your head at al80, I shake my head at a team dive that completely missed every member of the team and this is all or your gas supply as I recall on team diving.

So I shook my head at least he knew how much CF he needed to do the dive before the dive. That's all.

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