Deep Diving on Air

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During a recent dive trip I had the opportunity to dive to a depth below the recreational limit. The person who took me has had experience diving to 225 ft and below on air. The dive itself was uneventful and nothing special except for the thrill of going deep. Narcosis was not that much more intense than at 135 ft. While I don't advocate diving to below 180 ft on air(I would not have done it without someone experienced) I am curious how many people push the limits of diving with air on a regular basis. I saw several people diving below the rec dive limit on this trip, something I have not seem much of in the past.

Experience can not prepare you for narcosis. Everyone reacts differently to nitrogen and the same person will react differently on any given day depending on what they did earlier that day or in the days before. What did you gain from going that deep? You said yourself that the dive was uneventful and I would guess you saw little or nothing while you were there. Is it just so you can post here that you went deeper then most? The only positive good thing to come from the 300' dive on air mentioned earlier is that they did not succeed. If they had some fool would have thought "If they can do 300' I can do 325' or more". In my personal opinion what you are doing and advocating is suicidal. I would suggest this thread be moved to the accidents and incidents area so people can see the thought process then goes into filling a body bag.
VDGM is referring to a dive I did a year or so ago, where I was in a tremendous hurry because I was late, and missed THREE separate times when I normally check my pressure before I dive, including the fact that the "team" check didn't involve reporting actual pressure, but just a verbal confirmation that each of us had enough gas for the dive.

In my experience, the ones who are the most analytical about their own mistakes are the ones who are least likely to make mistakes. Kudos to you Lynne for sharing, even if some choose to twist a non-incident to their own ends.
In my experience, the ones who are the most analytical about their own mistakes are the ones who are least likely to make mistakes. Kudos to you Lynne for sharing, even if some choose to twist a non-incident to their own ends.

A smart person learns from their mistakes. A genius learns from other peoples mistakes.
Sometimes when someone does something stupid, someone else ends up paying the price.

Yeah, usually it is the US tax payer.

The notion that stupid diving acts only harm the diver doing them is a fallacy ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)

The same can be said for anyone that dies after saying "Hey guys watch this!!"

It happens every day.

Life is a game no one has figured out how to win.
Hey, I have a video for you all.

So these local divers were collecting fish at around 130ft. Each of them did three 3300psi AL80's there. They changed them out by shooting to the surface and having the boatman hand them another BC in the water. They did a fourth at 30ft for about 2 1/2 hours. They do this every day. One of them for the last 25 years....!

Don't try it at home.

BTW: Pity decompressing your bent buddy is not as easy as sticking a needle up his arse, eh?
FL up until now I was the only diver that can do those kind of dives. I wonder how many other Deep Air Divers there are.
FL up until now I was the only diver that can do those kind of dives. I wonder how many other Deep Air Divers there are.

Oh, there are plenty of divers doing these single tank deep air dives. Check out the documentary on Miskito divers in Hulu. It's called "Diving too deep".
You shook your head at al80, I shake my head at a team dive that completely missed every member of the team and this is all or your gas supply as I recall on team diving.
You're still a liar ... you claimed she had to shorten her dive. She didn't. That's a lie.

So I shook my head at least he knew how much CF he needed to do the dive before the dive. That's all.
Who ... the bonehead from Louisiana? Sure he did ... that's why he died. Did they ever recover his body?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Yeah, usually it is the US tax payer.
In scuba diving it's usually the family, the dive buddy, the rescuers, the other people on the boat who get their expensive vacations ruined, the dive op, and a host of other people who end up spending time, money, effort, and emotions on account of some dumb-ass who couldn't be bothered taking even the simple precautions that responsible diving requires.

The same can be said for anyone that dies after saying "Hey guys watch this!!"
I have no sympathy for anyone who associates those four words with scuba diving ... they deserve whatever happens to them.

It happens every day.
Fortunately, not.

Life is a game no one has figured out how to win.
Life is a sexually-transmitted disease that is 100% fatal. Winning or losing has nothing to do with death and everything to do with how you conduct yourself before you get there ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
NWG I'm not so sure about that she say's a year ago or so it was not that long ago and I remember her having like a 1/2 tank and they went and did skills.

Go find that post NWG and prove me wrong. Sorry TS&M NWG just has to have last word and be right or he cant sleep.

Its here nor there Team Diving is no safer than Deep Air Diving, Look at the team that just lost there team mate that was solo diving.

Louisiana diver died from possible health reasons due to deep Diving, can not confirm as the body has not been recovered that I know of.

So for some people yes deep diving can effect you in different ways, Its not for everyone.

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