This is a thread about the incident at Blue Springs... Let's try to keep it on that track.
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Back in the 80's when I was doing serious cave diving my buddy and I did a drill weekend once a month at Blue Springs. Buddy Breathing, no mask Buddy Breathing, long hose following front to front restrictions, blow and go 's and on and on.
You turn it and are not sure if its the right way so most people naturally then try it the other way. Now they find it hard in both directions. Immediately confusion and uncertainty sets in. Which way to move it? We all know in the back of our mind that most single valves close clockwise and open anti clockwise, and yet in this situation we are unsure.
On your average resort dive in Cuba a few years back I received a tank that opened in the clockwise position. I didn't think much of it at the time but when I was on the boat the DM/guide started going around turning peoples valves on. I had already turned mine on and doubled checked that it was indeed open, but was a bit unnerved by the possibility that the DM could unknowing turn it off thinking they were turning it on. I did alert them to this since, like myself at the time, many new or less experienced divers are unaware that there are tanks out there that are configured this way.
all valves on my doubles are opened anticlockwise.
IIRC clock wise opening valves are used for CO2 tanks in Europe
So where did this valve come from in Cuba on a dive tank? Just another trap I suppose waiting to kill someone.
You're not going to believe this...!!Wow! Where was his alternate????
Yep, I like mine all the way. Once diving Flower Gardens, my home bud with whom I'd discussed this in full agreement and who turns standard wrenches and screw drivers every day repairing vacuum cleaners & sewing machines - really quite skillful in a dying art and my go to guy for anything delicate including changing my dive computer batteries - turned mine off on pre-dive check. I was just glad we agreed on all the way rather than 1/4 turn.I see a lot of people open the valve all the way then back a half turn. Not sure why. If you get that reversed I can see a big problem. Close it when you think you are opening then half turn open.
I just open mine all the way. Also test it.