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What do you mean "ice on the ground this morning" ?? Did you spill your drink?

Thanks, I really need a good hearty laugh this morning!:rofl3::rofl3:

I feel the same way, humans are not supposed to live with ice or snow. Ice is for cooling drinks and snow just makes the mountains look nice from my house!;)
Thanks, I really need a good hearty laugh this morning!:rofl3::rofl3:

I feel the same way, humans are not supposed to live with ice or snow. Ice is for cooling drinks and snow just makes the mountains look nice from my house!;)

Snow is also good for random acts of stupidity such as attaching your feet to a waxed plastic board and sliding down a mountain.
In a month, we'll be in my heaviest wetsuit- 3mm long..... BBBRRRRR.
You people make me sick!
3MM!?!?! My snorkel is heavier than that! :D

What do you mean "ice on the ground this morning" ?? Did you spill your drink?
No. I DO NOT have a drinking problem. It had rained a mite before the frost set in. We also are expecting grits from the sky soon. We just call it snow. :)
Outright bragging!

Three day forecast for my city:

77° | 56°


81° | 56°


79° | 54°

I hate fall and winter, it's just too cold at night!;)
......Ice is for cooling drinks ..........

Snow is also good for random acts of stupidity such as attaching your feet to a waxed plastic board and sliding down a mountain.

You can combine the two and get a real nice helicopter ride down the hill by your local Sheriff's department rescue squad while they grimace at your leg twisted into a strange shape (hmmm, thighs are both facing up, but only one foot is. The other faces right 90 degrees. That can't be good.......)
Woo-hoo! Heat wave!
It is mid-day and the high is above freezing!! It is 34F, 1C. :D
Bad thing is that it isn't that we don't LIKE warm water, we love warm water. We usually use it after every dive when we are shampooing our hair in the shower! Don't know about diving in it though! Do you have to have a safety in the bathtub??

The warmest water I ever dove in was Catalina Island the first week of April. Can't wait to get back!

I think that I could get used to diving in warm water, if I ever had a chance!
Bottom line: I would rather dive in cold water than not dive at all! ;)
Dear DD,

I was having a less than stellar day today so I decided to go diving. This cheered me up no end and I was still grinning long after my gear was washed and hung. I've found the best way to make deco time fly is by seeing if I can make my buddy laugh till their mask leaks. I don't care what gear you're using, as long as (when you're buddied with me) I know how it works. I have bright green fins that clash horribly with the pale green highlights on my wetsuit.

I think I may be a dork.

However, I can't stand snorkels. I carry one in a pocket for the unlikely event that the boat isn't there when I come up, but do I have to wear it to qualify?
I've found the best way to make deco time fly is by seeing if I can make my buddy laugh till their mask leaks.
Definitely a DD. Among my buddies, that's one of our favorite pastimes. :biggrin:

However, I can't stand snorkels. I carry one in a pocket for the unlikely event that the boat isn't there when I come up, but do I have to wear it to qualify?
Woo-hoo! "Snorkels are for snorkeling!" :D As long as you don't ridicule anyone who wants to wear the snorkel on their mask, you're good to go.

(In fact, you may have a slight time-to-draw advantage in any snorkel fights, provided you place your snorkel well. :))
I think I may be a dork.
Welcome aboard! :dork2:

However, I can't stand snorkels. I carry one in a pocket for the unlikely event that the boat isn't there when I come up, but do I have to wear it to qualify?

Absolutely not! One of the MAJOR tenants, sacraments, and doctrines of Dorkology is that you can wear ANY color and use ANY gear that you want; however you want to use it! Of course this obviously means whatever kind of fin, mask, etc. that you want and used in the manner for which it was produced. DDivers do NOT advocate using UNSAFE gear like homemade regulators slapped together with a small tuna can, a can lid, baby's pacifier, duct tape and the springs from 3 Bic pens.

THE MAJOR tenant and doctrine upon which all other tenants are built; the bedrock of Dorkology is that you must have fun, even during decon! :D

PS. Do I sound too much like a theologian?? :D

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