Dear Dork Divers
Having been a Dork Diver for 25 years now (before I even knew that I was one!) and have been classed as a Master Dork Diver Instructor-Missionary (MDDIM), I have a confession followed by a question or two, or three, or ... (I HAVE to ask a question, or 2, or 3, or ... since this is a Q/A forum. I'm a DD; not stupid! Well, maybe, never mind...).
This is kind of like one of those WeightWatchers group therapy hug-and-sob confession sessions where someone begins by confessing to eating too many Ding Dongs and somebody else stupidly asks, "How many," and the other person replies, "Six," and someone else comfortingly says, "That's not TOO bad," and the confesser then says, "
Anyway, I bought an all black drysuit. There, I said it. I feel better all ready.
I didn't want to,
really! I wanted
anything with some cool colors, especially something glow-in-the-dark (besides pink), but got outbid on eBay every time. I was getting
so tired of diving in a 12 MM wetsuit here in Estonia and trying to remove the wet wetsuit as ice began to form and fill in the pores of the neoprene, dry off, and change back into street clothes with the wind whipping certain parts of my anatomy into other locales all the while in public view on the beach at the local gravel pit. sigh :depressed:
So, I ended up with an all-black Bares for $250. It is 7mm neoprene so nobody else wanted it. They all complained that it was too stiff, too binding, too etc... They haven't dived in ice, I guess. I only hope that it isn't too thin!
1.) Do you think it can be painted so I won't be kicked out of Dork Divers?
2.) Should I use a brush or spray can?
3.) Would duct tape added as
racing stripes to the legs and arms count?
4.) How about if I used duct tape kind of like gaiters, would that be O.K.?
5.) Or am I O.K. because I didn't WANT black in the first place, but was simply too cheap to pay more JUST to add color?
I await your wisdom....