Dear Dork Divers Advice Column – Ask us your questions

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Dear Dork Diver(s),

Is there a membership option for those of us who are not yet certified divers? Although I am signed up for my OW class in October, I wanted to see if I could just get a jump on things and get my DD cert ahead of time. Maybe a DD probationary membership?

Any DD advice for the OW class?

I really hope I am or will soon be worthy of being a true Dork Diver!
Is there a membership option for those of us who are not yet certified divers? Although I am signed up for my OW class in October, I wanted to see if I could just get a jump on things and get my DD cert ahead of time. Maybe a DD probationary membership?
Actually, I think the explanation of pre-certification Dork Diver membership was lost in the Great Burn, so I'll just start from scratch. :biggrin:

There are three levels of Dork Diver membership:
  • Dork Diving Associate
  • Provisional Dork Diver
  • Dork Diver
Associate membership is granted to anyone who adheres to the spirit of Dork Diving but neither dives nor currently intends to pursue diving. For example, a non-diving spouse or friend-with-a-boat could have an associate membership even though they may have no intention to dive.

Provisional membership is granted to anyone who adheres to the spirit of Dork Diving and intends to become a diver. You don't need to have officially started your class, either. The decision to take the class, learn to dive, and have safe fun is enough.

Full membership is granted to anyone who adheres to the spirit of Dork Diving and is a certified or experienced diver. Those old salts who know how to dive but never got their little card-y thing are by no means excluded, although it is highly recommended that all new divers become certified -- they should learn something in their training, and having a card to show can prevent mellow-harshing by dive sites or boat crews.

(Note that there is also the "Honarary Dork Diver" status which can be bestowed on occasion, but that is not technically DD membership. One receiving honorary status can, of course, become a full member simply by so choosing.)
Any DD advice for the OW class?
Have fun, listen well, and don't settle for "passing". The more you put into the class (and require of your instructor), the more of a head start you'll have into "real" diving (as opposed to "class" diving). Don't go overboard (figuratively, that is -- literally, *definitely* go overboard :D), but if you don't feel like an experienced diver would approve of how you did a skill, do it again. (All but the most cynical of instructors will be more than happy to see a diver who actually wants to *learn* and not just pass.)

Oh, and once you have your card, *DIVE*!
I really hope I am or will soon be worthy of being a true Dork Diver!
You're true already, albeit provisional. Enjoy yourself, and learn a lot. Then come dive with us.

(Oh, one final note: When you get to the point where you think, "Okay, I've got it all down now; I can relax", that is the time to redouble your effort and attention. That may be in your class or in the dives thereafter, but many, if not most, divers get to a point where they become complacent, and *that's* when Murphy strikes. Murphy is *NOT* a Dork Diver. :rofl3:)
Thanks, Clay! Great advice, and I appreciate it.

Now, what can Dork Divers do while at work with NOTHING to do?! I had planned to drag this one project out through the day, but I got here this morning and was told it had to be done by 9AM. Nothing for me to do now, and I can't leave work THAT early...
Now, what can Dork Divers do while at work with NOTHING to do?! I had planned to drag this one project out through the day, but I got here this morning and was told it had to be done by 9AM. Nothing for me to do now, and I can't leave work THAT early...
You see that "Live Chat" link up in the bar near the top of the window? It's to a flash-and-HTTP-based chat (which means you should be able to get in if you can post on SB). Click it and chat a spell. (I may not reply *instantaneously*, but I'm pretty good at not forgetting to check that window. :biggrin:)
I've considered that, but I think the chat MIGHT get me in some trouble at work. ;) Not sure if the IT guys can see that kind of thing...
Dear dork divers

I feel a bit ashame to ask, but...

What does "dork" exactly means ?:confused:
I cheked Wikipedia : it's not that clear...Dork - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm now nearly sure that it's not a whale's penis, but I'd like to know more before to sign up...:D
(at the moment, I can say I'm about 83.33% dork diver, which is a large majority...)
I feel a bit ashame to ask, but...
Don't. :) There's no reason to feel ashamed about not knowing something. The only thing to feel ashamed of is being a jerk, which certainly doesn't apply to you in the least. :D

What does "dork" exactly means ?:confused:
I cheked Wikipedia : it's not that clear...
Well, the short answer is "Dork means US!"

The slightly longer answer is found at the Dork Divers site, but basically, for us, it means having safe fun and not being a doofus about any diving choices you've made or philosophies you observe. (You can *make* choices and *have* philosophies, but you can't bludgeon people over the head with them.)

The glossary answer is "Divers Oblivious to Rude Kibitzers", as described beginning in post 356 of the Dork Divers Manifesto thread.

And the simple answer is "Someone who is laid back enough not to care about what up-tight people say or do and who doesn't get all up-tight themselves, choosing instead to enjoy themselves and just have safe fun."

(Good enough to put you over the top? :biggrin:)
So we can't bludgeon people over the head with our choices and philsophies...

Can we at least bludgeon jerks over the head with fish?
Can we at least bludgeon jerks over the head with fish?

Ummm, no. BUT hiding fish food in their gear to make them "attractive" is ok. Everyone likes to feel attractive right? :eyebrow:
Ber :lilbunny:
So we can't bludgeon people over the head with our choices and philsophies...

Can we at least bludgeon jerks over the head with fish?

Nope, that's what the snorkel was designed for! ;)

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