Dangerous Hurricane Dean

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Rich- good for you on your preparations. Air travel could well be impacted for days, regardless of how close the storm is- because there will be a huge backlog of people trying to get out on those few flights a day. Not for nothing, but it's a stress on everyone, including the island to have a large mass of displaced divers. They will have enough to deal with, even without a direct hit.
Christi- My thoughts are with you and all my friends in COZ. I am planning another trip there ASAP, esp if tourism if affected. Just need someone to travel with me.
And I am diving with YOU for sure.

Christi, you're a class act.
Jane and I know how you anguished over so many people's fates during Wilma, ours included.
We're sending out all the positive energy we can to move that track out of your way- and sparing anyone such misery.
We're also watching for our dear friends we're due to visit at San Pedro, BZ after the storm has passed.
For you, them and all, we pray that the universe will provide.

If I were to say I'm not worried, I would be lying through my teeth. As each hour passes and the projected path sustains and strengthens, my stomach knots up a little more...and the knot in my throat gets a little bigger.

I've already been in touch with my weekend and Monday/Tuesday arrivals and asked them to consider rescheduling. We'll make the final decision on that tomorrow. Fortunately, the divers we have on the island right now are already scheduled to fly out Saturday and Sunday.

The best we can do at this point is to prepare, stay postitive, and have faith that we'll come through this one ok...or we can STOMP OUR FEET and say NOOOOOOOO MAAASSSS!...but I don't think that will work :(
It seems that the best possible action now is to make aggressive preparations, and then be overjoyed to return things to normal after a miss.
Kinda like the effect of moving the freshly-washed car into the garage as storm clouds approach? :wink:
Christi, Our fingers are crossed for all you guys, hope it takes the blue path...

Joe & Peg

I sincerely hope the GFDL model isn't the correct one. that one has it slipping through the gap between Cuba and the Yucatan, not dissipating any strength at all over land and entering the Gulf of Mexico as a category 5 hurricane heading NW towards all the oil platforms in the Gulf and looking very similar in damage potential to Ivan, Katrina and Rita.

The best solution might be for the GFDL track to be correct, but for it to stall over cooler water and have wind shear take the top off of it, but that seems like wishful thinking...

Of the predictions, I think that having it expend energy on the Yucatan peninsula is the best one to hope for. Another monstrous category 4/5 in the gulf taking out all the oil rigs and refineries would give the US econony a huge shock during a very brittle time. And this is just the beginning of the active part of the hurricane season..

Lamont, what is the site where you got that model? Thanks

Actually, I like this model alot better now than 4 hours agao...it was a direct hit 4 hours ago.

Two other models have changed course now too...taking the storm south of us...still on the nasty side of the storm, but not a direct hit...so there's still some hope :D

Thanks Christi, I have another model that only shows it as a cat 3 passing you. oh please oh please. hang in there and good luck.

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