Dangerous Hurricane Dean

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Any word on the area that WAS hit as a CAT 5? Can't seem to find the outcome on the web and CNN reports as if no one cares so long as Cancun was spared. (Tourist areas are hot news in the states I guess).
I'm so happy for Cozumel and Cancun, and sad for those south of that area. I've been reading the boards on and off all day, anxious to hear Mago's family is okay. No reports coming from that area as far as I can see, I hope no news is good news.
Any word on the area that WAS hit as a CAT 5? Can't seem to find the outcome on the web and CNN reports as if no one cares so long as Cancun was spared. (Tourist areas are hot news in the states I guess).
I'm so happy for Cozumel and Cancun, and sad for those south of that area. I've been reading the boards on and off all day, anxious to hear Mago's family is okay. No reports coming from that area as far as I can see, I hope no news is good news.

According to Christi Mago's family is ok.....I am sure she will post again soon
According to Christi Mago's family is ok.....I am sure she will post again soon

Thanks- :) I'm sure Christi has her hands full, and will bring us all up to speed when things are back to normal. Until then, my curiosity is limited to the fact that everyone is alive and well. Appreciate the head's up.:15:
Thanks- :) I'm sure Christi has her hands full, and will bring us all up to speed when things are back to normal. Until then, my curiosity is limited to the fact that everyone is alive and well. Appreciate the head's up.:15:

There is some major damage in Chetumal, but we don't know the extent yet. I do know that it includes downed power lines and trees almost everywhere...like we had after Wilma. Mago's sister can't get off her street to go anywhere yet due to downed power lines on all sides and his brother is flooded in. The other sister is the one we still haven't heard from, she's just west of Carillo Puerto in a little pueblo called Valle Hermosa which was hit with the outer eye wall.

We're hoping that once they can get out, they'll take us up on our offer to come stay with us for however long they need to.

The Cozumel Red Cross, SOL Stereo and DIF sent trucks down south today with supplies, clothes, food, water, batteries, generators, etc. that was donated by the Coz community...so I'm sure we'll get some reports back when they return. Cancun and Playa del Carmen also had supply trucks headed down that way. I'm so in awe of how STRONG and FAST this community pulls together for themselves and for others. It's heart warming! When I dropped off my donations of clothes, food and water today...I couldn't BELIEVE how much they already had. One whole moving truck JUST of water! Another JUST clothes and another JUST baby food and supplies, etc.

I'll post updates as I get more info!

We JUST finished unboarding the house...and we're calling it a day. I promise to get my blog done tonight without fail!
Thanks for keeping us updated Christi. It is so appreciated. I will be keeping Mago's family in my thoughts and prayers.
Yes...thanks for taking the time to keep us up to date. We all live through those that are there in good times and challenging times. See ya'll soon

Yep, then it looks like Mexico City-Guadalajara area is in for hard rains as it breaks up Friday...


Some of the models show Dean crossing over into the Pacific. Does that ever happen? Would they rename it in the Pacific nomenclature?

been super duper busy at work, and home for that matter, but have been keeping an eye on things. glad to hear everyone is fine, hopefully friends and family members on the peninsula are ok and starting work on recovery, batten down the hatches in Old Mexico!!

I've heard of storms crossing over in Central America where land masses are narrower, but I think it usually happens the opposite direction, Pac to Carib. I think it happened just a few years ago, but the storm wasn't a nammed tripical depression when it hit land on the Pacific side, but turned into a hurricane when it hit the western Carib. and then made landfall again in Guatamala or Belize.

It seems I have also hear that they would rename a tropical strom if a nammed storm did go from a Caribbean/Atlatic strom to a Pacific storm or vise versa

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