Dangerous Crossing

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WSOPFAN - you seemed to have a better finger on this than most, I think you've read all the reports and kept careful track of all the threads and posts. I either haven't paid as much attention or you're just better with the details. After 126 replies in ths thread alone the details of everything are a bit cloudy to me.

Could you give a summary of exactly what happened, and exactly the conditions of the boat and what caused this accident to occur? A blow by blow description of the incident please. I've read a lot of conflicting info so far, could you give us the exact details?

WSOPFAN - you seemed to have a better finger on this than most, I think you've read all the reports and kept careful track of all the threads and posts. I either haven't paid as much attention or you're just better with the details. After 126 replies in ths thread alone the details of everything are a bit cloudy to me.

Could you give a summary of exactly what happened, and exactly the conditions of the boat and what caused this accident to occur? A blow by blow description of the incident please. I've read a lot of conflicting info so far, could you give us the exact details?

Post #95 the 2nd link explains it all......Translation isn't perfect but it gets the story across along with the comments posted here about the history of that boat. Bottom line is that boat should have never been used to attempt a crossing period and the dive shop should have known that.
Not sure which is worse.......the owner for thinking it was ok .......the captain for thinking it was ok........or the divers who thought it was ok to try to cross a channel known for rough seas in a glass bottom boat with that many people on board. They are lucky they all survived.

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I totally agree with you,
I can´t understand the comments of lot´s of you, there is a very thin line in this sport, in which we all know but specially the dive op,that a negligent action such is this one and the one before, will have terrible endings,on this one they survived, which I am very happy because it´s horrible to be out in open seas thinking that you are gone!!!

To have a dive store takes a lot of responsibility and first of all, respect for the lives that depend on your wisdom your discipline and the most important..SAFETY, money comes second, first safety.
How in the world you go across the channel on that boat, we know that´s terrible wrong, the one who made that choice from the dive store should be doing something else, because they knew it and still did it.
That´s negligent not and accident as many mention.

What up sets me more is the image that is created about Cozumel with this actions.
Yea I read it ....... I know I will never dive with this op or recommend them but what others do is their choice.
I see you are all enjoying yourselves laughing it up........how funny would it be if 1 or more of those divers never came back? I could see defending a person's dive business after an accident but negligence was involved here. The article stated someone said they should have removed the glass prior to launching the boat. That is an admission of negligence and instantly opened them up to being sued. If you or anyone else wishes to continue to dive with a repeatedly dangerous dive op have at it.

Perhaps there was negligence, but if you already have the case wrapped up, you should forward your case file to Mexico so they don't have to bother doing an investigation.

I do have a question though for someone who knows: Is this the same Living Underwater boat that is a little 'sinky' anyway? I just realized that it might be the same one that went down most recently maybe on Palancar over the summer?

(Looking more carefully, it APPEARS, possibly, that the boat that is in the news article as the current LU1 with that MX reg number isn't the same boat that carried that name and number last summer? So is that what that other poster was saying? Someone switched the name and number to another boat?)
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(Looking more carefully, it APPEARS, possibly, that the boat that is in the news article as the current LU1 with that MX reg number isn't the same boat that carried that name and number last summer? So is that what that other poster was saying? Someone switched the name and number to another boat?)

From the article I posted:

That same day he named Maximilian Zuniga Pulido, as owner of the boat, but on Friday it was reported that the boat is in Mauritius Turilla you can receive a fine ranging from a verbal reprimand to cancellation of permit marine service .

It was referring to statements made by the boat captain and it appears he lied about who the owner was.
That is one red flag.

Anoat President, Javier Alonso Pizaña said that Mauritius Turilla not belong to the two organizations that exist in Cozumel.

Things are sounding more fishy......another red flag.

"There is no link between the company" Scuba Mau "and Anoat, not a member of any association" (sic).

In Facebook is treated as name of the captain of the boat Living Underwater Jorge Pino, who reused to give his name three times the day he was rescued and interviewed.

I see a pattern of red flags now........
Those initial findings of the investigation raise alot of questions after the fact.
I think it is conceivable that the boat owner and dive shop can be held accountable for any improper paperwork and or permits.
It looks like the boat captain might also be in trouble for his attempt to hide some of the facts.
It is hard to tell from that info if they were operating legally, maybe time will tell.
What up sets me more is the image that is created about Cozumel with this actions.
Your first post, or do I know you too by another name here?
"Sock Puppet #2" ?

Joined SB at 11:39 this morning. Hmm...........

I joined right after the Opal Scuba Mau event after hearing about it on Trip Advisor. My impression is that there were attempts to squelch post negative...if valid... about that event by long standing posters here.

I also find it interesting that a person on the boat in question, who appears to know amazing details about the former (and possibly current( Scuba Mau dive ops...has said nada.

I would hope that once we hear from those on the boat that we do not get erroneous "facts" like the down current report after the fatal Opal dive. If major mistakes were made, admit it and move on. Do not try to cover up any possible mistakes with reports that cause widespread concern about diving in the area.
I wonder who's smart enough to set up a pre-positioned sock-puppet ID ? Kinda like setting up a terrorist sleeper cell months/years in advance, ready to be deployed in the event someone wants to appear well-established so they can better hide the sock puppet label ?
Usually that level of planning (if it is valid here) indicates a plan, and some level of deceit founded in illegal activities, revenge or mental disturbance. Just sayin'. (Ron, this does not reference your post, just to avoid potential misunderstandings)
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