Dangerous Crossing

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An amazing coincidence that I'm smack dab in the middle of swapping outall the tank straps on all my BCDs to a new quick-release Aqualung version....was doing it just to make tank changing easier on a tossing boat but it will have the added advantage of perhaps allowing me to free my BCD from the tank very quickly so I have a sort of life vest option if it came to that. Can't say the 'brave' freedivers diving after the sinking boat to free up other people's kit was a very bright idea though, especially seeing as one of the victims was caught up in the sinking boat's rigging (saved only by a brave DM...darn lucky!). I also see my philosophy of diving with a larger capacity wing to be a good idea as my rig has enough lift to support itself without the added support of a wetsuit......so I could use my whole scuba unit as a flotation device or at least have my unit able to float on the water rather than seeing it too negatively bouyant and sinking to the bottom on the ocean....and losing MANY thousands of $$$ in gear !
I wonder who's smart enough to set up a pre-positioned sock-puppet ID ? Kinda like setting up a terrorist sleeper cell months/years in advance, ready to be deployed in the event someone wants to appear well-established so they can better hide the sock puppet label ?

You found me out. I was waiting till 2000 posts until being activated! Now I'm going to have to start over. JAX is another one of us but her assignment was to wait until 20,000 posts, she was so close too!

But seriously, that's why it would be nice for somebody to summarize a detailed accounting of the facts of what happened so far as is know. There are too many innuendos, accusations of sock puppets, accusations of people with financial interests spreading confusion.. etc... I still have no idea if this was actually a glass bottom boat or not. If it was before and has been changed, if that had something to do with the accident....

Be nice to have the facts as they are known.

Trying to hide cases of shipwreck in Cozumel

COZUMEL, Q. Roo. - Company operates out of diving associations established on the island and without a physical.

Julian Miranda / SIPSE

COZUMEL, Q.Roo. - The Living Underwater boat glass bottom of the company "Scuba Mau" which sank with nine people aboard Thursday, operates outside the established associations diving in Cozumel and without a physical.Are not affiliated with the National Association of Aquatic and Tourist Operators (Anoat).

The glass bottom boats are not designed to make the crossing between Cozumel and Playa del Carmen, said Javier Pizaña Alonso, president of the guild.

Those involved in the case and gave statements and reports by staff of the Harbor Master, none have said that the boat was glass background.

The day of the rescue four survivors left evidence in his testimony on the cause of the sinking was the breakdown of the fund.

The port authority is not known how many of the 600 tourist boats are back with this material.

On average a vessel is reviewed every six months, lack of staff."Scuba Mau" ceased to operate since August last year in a room located on the south coast.

The case file, whose number was not disclosed and held by the Port Authority, said that the boat did not have glass bottoms.

Representatives of print and electronic media who came to make the coverage of the wreck, collected the testimonies of the survivors of which were recorded in audio and video.

One respondent was Jorge Luis Pino Nah, who is identified as a captain, who agreed "that the glass bottom should have been changed" (sic).

That same day he named Maximilian Zuniga Pulido, as owner of the boat, but on Friday it was reported that the boat is in Mauritius Turilla you can receive a fine ranging from a verbal reprimand to cancellation of permit marine service .

On February 2, all respondents spoke of the boat took a wave that broke up and down the bottom, causing them to go under in less than a minute.

"Some thought that sank because it broke the glass, but in the statement do not have any reference that has a glass bottom," said the source into the captain who asked not be named.

In the testimony of Victoria Natalia Moreno and Alejandro Haro Russek Valdes is evident that the boat had a glass bottom and left the way he entered the water.

"When I blew the glass bottom scare me ..." said Natalie Victoria Moreno to be interviewed.

Anoat President, Javier Alonso Pizaña said that Mauritius Turilla not belong to the two organizations that exist in Cozumel.

"There is no link between the company" Scuba Mau "and Anoat, not a member of any association" (sic).

Described as bold transporting tourists from Cozumel to Playa del Carmen on board a glass bottom boat, because the crash of the waves against the hull is strong, therefore, "not all boats can cross the channel. "

The Anoat know how "Scuba Mau" was able to contact the tourist carrying as it does not have an office to provide this service.

The boats of the type of glass bottom are mainly used to transport tourists who make snorkeling in Cozumel reef areas as Paradise where there is no risk from waves.

There are 172 companies engaged in tourist services and snorkel diving formally, but has detected Anoat to 25 individuals and companies operating irregularly.

They offer their services via the internet and do not have a contact office.This is how "Scuba Mau" attracts customers and makes reservations via the Internet by www.scubamau.com website and on Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Previously had a shop located at kilometer three in the southern coastal race, but problems between the partners closed.

In Facebook is treated as name of the captain of the boat Living Underwater Jorge Pino, who reused to give his name three times the day he was rescued and interviewed.

Divers pay for the services of "Scuba Mau" boarded the boat in La Caleta, natural marine guard of the island.

The Port has six inspectors to review the 600 vessels of tourist services in seven springs.This can take up to six months to recheck a boat and opens the door for tourism service providers do not comply with the rules and operate on an irregular basis without being detected.

The revisions "only intensifies mainly decembrinas holiday seasons and summer."

The sinking of Living Underwater occurred at 08:30 am on February 2, six miles from Cozumel.Five hours later the crew of the yacht Ice locate and notify the Navy that were 10 miles from Punta Acrobats (between Playa del Carmen and Puerto Morelos).

It's starting to sound like there are some insinuations that some patrons may have been helping Mau financially, helping him with this boat, maybe out of the kindness of their heart and friendship, maybe thinking they'll either make some money or have their own pet dive op. They may have bet their money on the wrong horse. Shoe string is what shoe string does.

If there is any truth to that article and the boat had a glass bottom, it pretty much says that taking it outside of protected waters is just a disaster waiting to happen. Of course I still don't even know it if had a glass bottom to it or not, that article goes back and forth both ways.
...if only 'robint' would show up again to distract us from the negativity with a 'post your sea cumcumber' photo thread........
I joined right after the Opal Scuba Mau event after hearing about it on Trip Advisor. My impression is that there were attempts to squelch post negative...if valid... about that event by long standing posters here.

I also find it interesting that a person on the boat in question, who appears to know amazing details about the former (and possibly current( Scuba Mau dive ops...has said nada.

I would hope that once we hear from those on the boat that we do not get erroneous "facts" like the down current report after the fatal Opal dive. If major mistakes were made, admit it and move on. Do not try to cover up any possible mistakes with reports that cause widespread concern about diving in the area.
It happens that some people join SB after or because of a problem, and they may be met with suspicion. I guess we've had some sour-grapes posters whose arguements failed, and then the sock puppets are just not allowed. It's not that hard to hide an IP, but most of those don't. So even when "negative...if valid" posts are made, it's normal to suspect a new user since this is just parlor talk anyway.

I think we will hear from some of the people who were stranded, but they may well want to take time to carefully decide what they are willing to post on an open board. Getting sued for libel is all too easy even when wrong, defending is expensive, and winning is often hollow. I did suggest to a friend of one they start a new thread when they decide to post, if they do.

I wonder who's smart enough to set up a pre-positioned sock-puppet ID ? Kinda like setting up a terrorist sleeper cell months/years in advance, ready to be deployed in the event someone wants to appear well-established so they can better hide the sock puppet label ?
What are you talking about...?
Earlier I mentioned a PLB (Personal Locator Beacon). Here is one example of many that if it were available to that group and used would probably have reduced their in water time substantially.

ResQLink+ 406 Buoyant Personal Locator Beacon / Cobham - Beacon Solutions

My opinion is that if you buy one...get one that has GPS integrated.

This one is buoyant but I did not see what water immersion tolerance it has. I do have a diving canister for my McMurdo Fastfind Plus.

The good thing about PLBs is that you can use them in all sorts of activities. Hiking? Sure.

Driving and get stranded and may die if assistance is not available? Sure.

Diving? Why not.

Mirrors, dye packs etc can all help, but if Search and Rescue has your exact location, rescue is far simpler.

Again my opinion but something like this should be considered by dive ops who go into higher risk dive site like Barracuda or the east side. By risk I mean something happens that is not normal and places the people at significant risk like we saw in this event.
Your first post, or do I know you too by another name here?

Jorge de la Fuenta is the owner of Scuba Du and a very well respected member of the diving and business community in Cozumel. He has been around MUCH longer than most of us, so he is not a sock puppet.
The posters here who are attempting to derail an otherwise valid discussion are doing so because they are caught on the wrong side of this debate and have nothing better to do. While DD is busy patting himself on the back for outing one poster, the poor guy was merely trying to contribute IMO very important information relevant to the discussion.

On another note, the article I referred to claims all were interviewed by audio and video. Is this SOP for the Port Captain? I don't recall ever reading anyone ever being interviewed with video after an incident.
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I did get a private message about external fuel tanks (thanks).

Another question. Many posts/reports mention a glass bottom. By that I am assuming some sort of transparent glass so that you can see what is in the water below the boat. Obviously nice for people who want to see fishies but not get wet.

Yet in several pictures of Living Underwater 1 (the boat...not the Cozumel dive shop), the hull appears to this landlubber to look like any other hull. I would guess that the material is fiberglass.

So what failed to allow water to sink the boat?

I don't remember where, i will go look, but it was mentioned the boat was somehow modified and the interior glass part was covered rather than it being removed and modified properly and safely to be seaworthy.
Jorge de la Fuenta is the owner of Scuba Du and a very well respected member of the diving and business community in Cozumel. He has been around MUCH longer than most of us, so he is not a sock puppet.
Ok thanks. He did not include an Introduction and his profile only says California, so had no idea. Now I don't remember what he said, but he could have enhanced his post with such info.

Ok, I went back and looked. So Jorge, do your boats carry tank CO analyses and Personal Locators?
While DD is busy patting himself on the back for outing one poster, the poor guy was merely trying to contribute IMO very important information relevant to the discussion.
I did? Where? Show me. I know who it was but let it go rather than throw gas on a fire.

For the record, I am not one to say that anything is safe on Coz. It's a different country, different ways and laws, so it's up to each to care for him/herself. I do support improved safety and my record will bear that out.
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