Dee once bubbled...
Beast said even though he can't afford a DUI suit, he would at least like to look at one. Besides, I doubt they have one to fit his size 15 zabatos.
The website is confusing. How much is this shindig gonna cost? I'm probably not even going to dive. Do you have to be with a DOG to get in? The website says if you buy a ticket in advance the fee for CSSP will only be $15 but it doesn't say how much the ticket is! It sounds like if you aren't already a dry suit owner (DOG) you can't eat the dinner or get in on the raffle? Maybe we'll just stay at the opposite end of the lake! 
So we'll get there Sat. morning. Beast will dive but it depends on the water temp if I get wet or not! But I'll have the camera with me just in case.
Are we going to the ballpark Sat. night? Somewhere else?
Dee i know what you mean by confusing but the event is open to everybody but its a event for the Dui Owners Group to meet and give feedback to the company.
the main event of the day is to try out DUI drysuits, and there BCs to, and included in the price of the ticket for the event is lunch. also in the morning is going to be a treausre hunt for various prizes, also this year Sea & Sea will be there to show off the product line and to let people try out there dx3000, and various other items.
in the afternoon they have a field repair seminair (fixing BC, drysuits etc) and i think that i link 15 dollars
then about 6 pm is a fully catered dinner which is like $8 and during that people for DUI usually talk about the company and it products and answer questions(last year it was Dick Long, founder of DUI)
also the fees for CSSP are as follows
Divers normally 20, but will be 15 because of the DUI tickets are like $5 (i still have to find a place near me to get tickets)
observers are like 10 (for the event i dont have a clue, let me email CSSP)
thats it i will try to get some more information for you