Creation vs. Evolution

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is that the reason you evolved into a great dancer? :D
why thanks Jon :D you noticed. :wink:
A letter from a friend I made on the internet written in 2004:

I'm not going to defend the following, it's only what I think and I'm just going to lay it down. But watch world events and see if this model lines up with them - bet it will.
Behind all the events and machinations in the world today, is the big battle: the devil battling against the church, God's authority on this earth. Ie, the spiritual battle of evil against good.
Then we have humans. The worst are the satanists (Illuminati?) who worship Satan either stupidly thinking he is an angel of light or finally aware of how evil he is. These people and their subordinates, climbing up into positions of power everywhere for the purposes of Satan, pull strings and manipulate events to destroy Jewish and Christian values, culture and influence, standards, structure and society. Anything goes. They've bought the media but keep a light touch. They use the useful idiots, people who are willing to take up a cause and believe what they're told, so will stir up trouble at the drop of a hat. The satanists get them to promote such useful programs as environment protection, which a) distracts from people's needs and b) can be used to bind up productive land in countries which are pro-Christian; anti-Semitism, such as believing that Jews are doing what in actual fact is being done by the satanists/Illuminati; strikes; cults; etc.
More intelligent than the useful idiots are the wicked, like the Nazis, KKK, militant Islam, etc. These people have their own agenda but can be quite useful forces for Satan. (In fact I believe Islam was inspired by Satan when he realised he couldn't stamp out the fire of the church with persecution after 200 years nor dilute it with non-believers after another 400 years.)
There are also the corrupted, which vary from being drawn in innocently right up to being wicked, in such things as abortion, homosexuality, evolution, etc.
So it's a 3-pronged attack on society in general via: corruption of/by the unaware(sex,money,power), prejudice of the usable thinkers (race-KKK,Nazis, religion-Islam sex-feminism), and power of the useful idiots (greedy politicans, wide-eyed conservationists, etc)
These things all break up the strength of marriage, family, well-brought-up kids, education, intelligent argument, honour, justice, law, respect for politics, economy, restraint from drug-use/violence/alcohol/etc.
Things are getting so bad now that you hardly need to argue the point anymore - either way you're preaching to the converted, whether sheep or goat.
But all of this is the background onslaught on the supports of Judeo-Christian society, to make possible and make way for the spearheading attack:
The building of the one-world government (OWG) which will enable Satan to a) declare a one-world religion and wipe out Christianity and b) destroy Israel.
The corner stone of the OWG is the UN, and the building block is the EU: a money-burning autocracy with the legal power to detain citizens for minor offences. In the EU power structure are many examples of all kinds of people ranging from the useful idiots right through, but at the top or in useful places are the string-pullers busily putting this confederation of nations together into an unstoppable tank. These are the ones who hate America for her Christian liberty. They will stop at nothing to bring her down and intend to make the EU supercede America.
To increase their powers they are specifically aiding and abetting terrorism, albeit at a great distance. Terrorism will resulting greater and great legal power being given to governments. (And by the way, I was thinking this long before the Patriot Act.) They gave Saddam the idea to dismantle and transport his weapons out to Syria (again thought of in April), aiming to embarrass America and to tie her up in Iraq.
Russia and China are partners with the powers behind the EU in this destabilisation - I'm not sure what the relationship is yet. Money and/or power probably.

By the above, you can be sure that:
- the elite media will never stop supporting corruption of Christian values and (in the EU) the slanging of America. (You should see how bad it is already).
- terrorism is going to get more and more hi-tech and unstoppable without huge legal powers over freedom.
- Courts are going to get ridiculously unjust; Justices will preach more and more that US law should accommodate foreign law
- Human rights will become more and more touted by the UN, EU, USA activists - apparently innocent things, such as prevention of cruelty to children, ridden to achieve greater power or corruption. (For example anti-smoking will become more and more strong until the smoker's rights are overridden and set a precedent for other anti-campaigns.)
- The US will become embroiled in a debate over its (non-)submission to the World Court and the UN.
- Politicans will attempt to get the USA to be more and more submitted to other bodies and nations.
- Economic wars will play a bigger and bigger role between America and other nations
- Christians will become more and more unpopular
- Propaganda will get more and more vicious.
There's only one problem:
There's one class of people not mentioned above: once human, now partakers of the divine nature, ie born again from above, new creatures: the Christian church. Half of them filled with the Spirit (the 5 virgins with full lamps) and doing what God says, the other half sleeping.
We're still here. We still have the authority. And we're not leaving until the devil's apologised. Bush's election hurt the most because he's pro-Christian. CBS' Reagan smear was hit hard. Terri's life has been saved. Time and again we will see the church, where and when it prays, blocking the devil and holding him back.
On the other side the pressure is building like a dam of water. They want to call evil good, but have to creep up on it - they don't dare do it totally and brazenly because they will be called to account for it - until we leave.
Very, very soon, we will be lifted up and disappear. Then, a huge number of people are going to get saved, simply because we're gone. The rest will start to hunt them down and kill them. Israel will become an utter priority, a preace-deal willl be struck and will last 3.5 years while her enemies get ready to betray their oath.
Then all hell will break loose for 3.5 years.
Then we come back and rule for 1000 years.
Hey, it's just what I think, a lot of it not original, don't argue with me about it, I'm not interested in defending it. Just save it somewhere and everytime there's an issue in the USA or the world, check it out against this world view. I'm not saying it's right on, but 90%. Check it out.
Nice letter David- mercifully concise for its type, and he’s even restrained his use of the caps lock key (I received one recently that was 12 pages long with no punctuation, no paragraphs and every second word in capitals – I guess announcements of impeding Armageddon are hurried affairs ...).

[opps - edit: just read the last few sentences: good to see this one had his tongue in his cheek]

I'm just waiting for the mother ship to arrive and beam me up. If you all are nice to me I will let you come along....
This thread is starting to turn into a philosophical equivalent of MOF vs NMOF...(as always MOF are winning :wink:)

My favourite tidbit:
Creationist: Nothing can come from nothing!
Evolutionist: Where did God come from?

I actually read an answer to the "angels on a pin question"...The answer was that there was no limit...theoretically...something to do with angels not being part of the same "energy-space" as the pin. Whoever wrote it concluded though, that the "real" answer is propably none. Why would an angel want to stand on the head of a pin?! IF some entitity (presumably god) could make angels stand on the head of a pin, why would (s)he want to?
I was just wondering how many people out there believe in "Creation" and how many people believe in "Evolution." I would just like some feed back. Please keep comments polite and be respectable to other people's comments.

Personally, I believe in Creation. I was raised round church but never really paid any attention. So, I use to believe in Evolution, but now I believe in Creation due to the fact I became saved. In my opinion, I think evolution is no good. Anytime a scientist can not figure out when something walked this earth, they say something like "Fourhunderd Million Years Ago." Now come on! How old do people think the world really is. I think the world is only six - seven thousand years old. Most evolutionist, not all, believe in the big bang theroy. Now, what caused the big bang? Is it so hard to believe that maybe a higher being, "God" as we all call him, created us. Not everything can be explained with facts, sometimes we have to have FAITH.

That' my opinion. I have a lot more to say, but for time sake I kept it short and vague. I just want to see what you all have to say.

I think you'll have great difficulty in becoming a real biologist with that unfounded belief... but that's just my opinion.
If you really believe that, prove it. Microevolution, yes. Macroevolution, no. As a Christian I believe the Bible, not to mention that evolution is a statistical improbability.

So if you really believe what you say, visit They offer a large sum of cash if you can prove just one evidence of macroevolution. I have heard the guy speak. Colleges around the nation refuse to debate with him. Kind of funny.

Not all people who believe in evolution are atheists. In fact most are religious. The facts of evolution are undeniable. To hide behind the words of the Bible and claiming it as science seems to be a little stubborn. The Bible is a religious document, not a scientific dissertation. Use it for morality and faith, and not to disprove scientific facts.
Anytime a scientist can not figure out when something walked this earth, they say something like "Fourhunderd Million Years Ago." Now come on! How old do people think the world really is..

I'm one of these scientists - I do a lot of radiometric age dating.

Radioactive decay of one form of an element (an isotope) into another is a steady unchanging process. By measuring the ratio of various isotopes of various elements trapped in a mineral grain we can work out how old it is since the rock crystallised.

Rather than coming up with a number if we can’t figure it out as you state, the process is the opposite: if we don’t know how old something is we take samples and measure how old it is.

In science the simplest of all possible supported answers is taken to be the most correct one. Isotopes decay at a constant rate, therefore to refute age dating you have to say that the laws of physics are/were wrong and come up with a convoluted story that is neither simple or supportable.

An example:

Science: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is probable it is a duck because that is what we observe and what the evidence and past examples suggests.

Creationism: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a moose because that’s what I have been told it is.

Religious belief provides a great foundation to lead a moral and ethical life, and science and theology are closer than you think.

Not all people who believe in evolution are atheists. In fact most are religious. The facts of evolution are undeniable. To hide behind the words of the Bible and claiming it as science seems to be a little stubborn. The Bible is a religious document, not a scientific dissertation. Use it for morality and faith, and not to disprove scientific facts.

I've done some reading and I have found that too Tim. A lot of evolutionists are religious and have found that believing in religion and evolution need not be mutually exclusive.
Diver Dennis:
I've done some reading and I have found that too Tim. A lot of evolutionists are religious and have found that believing in religion and evolution need not be mutually exclusive.
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