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Not quite yet, but the final countdown has commenced! I'm headed in to work in a few minutes, but the instant I can tell that no one is watching me...No problem with this, no problem with that - you sound like a man on vacation!
C'mon Dogbowl, it's OK to say you were diving with 3P's while staying at the Casa Mexicana. Your personal experience (or anyone's for that matter) isn't really going to change anyone's views here of what they like about their preferred dive op or their preferred accommodations. If they are happy they'll stick with them and if they aren't they'll move on as there is no shortage of either to try.
That being said, every dive op everywhere has its pros and cons. What some divers view as pros can be viewed as cons by others and vice-versa. My goal is to find the dive op that delivers the most pros and the fewest cons for my style of dive vacationing of course which may not be yours or someone else's. For me, that op ended up being 3P's. There are slow cattle boats that leave later, plod along and give you 30 minutes to even an hour each way to set up your gear (3P's sets ours up for us) and lets you lay back and lounge in the sun. However, they won't be getting you to the better sites that are further away that the smaller, faster boats will get you to and the SI will generally be spent floating, not at a beach club's pier. Then, there are dive ops that don't take care of your gear you get to haul it and rinse and hang it yourself and deal with all that at your leisure. Personally, my leisure time is preferably spent reviewing UW pics with a cocktail in hand, not screwing around hauling, rinsing and hanging gear only to have to repack it every morning and repeat that routine every day. Also, the more leisurely the pace to the dive site (and back), the less bottom time on the sites. I prefer to dive a full 60-70 min per dive and I appreciate the level of efficiency 3P's delivers topside than dive with another that takes more time that comes at the expense of shorter bottom times. I pay for diving, not boat rides! Furthermore, I wake up 1/2 hour earlier on vacation in Coz than I ever do at home (although I also go to bed earlier on dive vacas than I ever do at home... LOL!)
I personally don't feel "rushed" with 3P's but view the operation as a finely oiled machine that delivers a level of service, freedom and bottom time that is unmatched for a dive op catering to divers who generally dive AL80's. Would I like an 8AM departure time from the shop in town? Of course! Who wouldn't? But if that 8AM time came at the price of losing 20 minutes of dive time? Nope. I'm happy to be at the shop at 7:40AM. As far as needing time to set up gear and such, 3P's does that so all that is necessary is to check it, get your weights, and put on your neoprene. As 3P's says, "Dive your DC, 700psi or 70 minutes, whichever comes first" or something like that. I've pushed it to 70 minutes so many times I can't count when it was just my wife and I and the DM or Steve still in the water. NEVER EVER have we been told it was time for us to surface and at 70 minutes, because we know the rules, up we'd come voluntarily. Yes, other divers waited on the boat while we were still diving for a long time but they dove their profiles and we were allowed to dive ours. Also, regardless of us being the last to surface the SI was never cut short and always governed by the last divers to surface. What other dive op on Coz does that and dives with AL80's? None that I know of.
Also remember, the DM's and Captain's days start well before 7:40 AM and end long after divers are back at their accommodations (remember there are also afternoon dives and this isn't even considering twilight dives that get thrown in). There is no shortage of people who thought they wanted to be DM's and when they got certified and learned the time underwater guiding divers represents only a small fraction of their work day and that the real work takes place before they ever see the first diver of the day and after they've said goodbye to the last they start to realize being a DM is a TOUGH job and there are many days when the last thing a DM wants to do is get wet again but they have to do it day-in and day-out with a smile because it is how they make a living. It's not the glamorous job most envisioned, it's work and it's hard work.
Anyway, simply stated, we can't have our cake and eat it too.
Also remember, the DM's and Captain's days start well before 7:40 AM and end long after divers are back at their accommodations (remember there are also afternoon dives and this isn't even considering twilight dives that get thrown in). There is no shortage of people who thought they wanted to be DM's and when they got certified and learned the time underwater guiding divers represents only a small fraction of their work day and that the real work takes place before they ever see the first diver of the day and after they've said goodbye to the last they start to realize being a DM is a TOUGH job and there are many days when the last thing a DM wants to do is get wet again but they have do it day-in and day-out with a smile because it is how they make a living. It's not the glamorous job they envisioned at the end of the day, it's work and it's hard work.
Now back at the pier, drop everyone off, get the tanks and gear loaded, square the boat away, and head back to the shop. One couple tipped $20. Maybe get a few hours of a break and be back at the shop for a night dive to ready to go at 6:00.
I’m glad your shop works for you.
No need to be so defensive. I am not bashing any shop on the island. This is the way threads go south.
I know you weren't bashing 3P's Dogbowl, you were just commenting on your experience. If you intended to bash 3P's you would have mentioned you were diving with them. Everyone's contributions here are welcomed and need to be heard because there may be others who would prefer a more relaxed experience. There is nothing wrong with that and I think I speak for all (given the length that this tread has reached) that you raised a great point that warranted a lot of discussion. I appreciate your post as you shared your experience, gave others something to think about, and gave many a reason to post their thoughts in response who aren't involved in the next Roll Call. Keep posting Dogbowl! The start of the December Roll Call for me is about 6 months away... Anything posted here that that fills that gap is fun.
I stay at the Casa Mexicana and they provide a buffet breakfast, so breakfast isn't the issue, but it's a rush to get through breakfast and to the shop on time for the morning trip.