For the life of me, I do not understand why some of you are taking exception to Dogbowl's OP.
It is *his* perception of how *his* experience has been for *him*. Fortunately, he's taking all the criticism well but it's so darned unnecessary and in some instances, down right rude.
Please consider the OP vs the title of the OP.
I don't really see any posts bashing Dogbowl about his post. Snoweman may have pushed it a little bit but just in fun (I know I laughed at Snoweman's post). Quite frankly, I think all appreciate Dogbowl's post as it as it gave everyone something to respond to, Heck, we're up to 8 pages of posts here thanks to DogBowl! I personally think he made a valid point as not everyone is geared to cramming the absolute maximum into a vacation. His post actually made me think of my last (and final) trip to Disney in Orlando. I had visited Disney several times since the 70's and my wife had never been so I took her a few years ago. What a stressed out, rushed, get-it-all-in, vaca that proved to be! Disney has changed SO much from the last time I had been there maybe 15 years ago. It is now a friggin' cram-everyone-in mad house of a zoo regardless of which park one visits and regardless of the time of year one visits. Long story short, I think we all get different strokes for different folks and there is nothing wrong with someone feeling "rushed" while others may not feel the same way. I will advise everyone here... if you want the most expensive, stressful and tiring vacation put Disney at the top of your list! They do offer diving in that sickly land-locked aquarium to boot for $500 or something (no thanks). For what that week at Disney cost I could have spent almost a month in Coz with diving included. Disney is now off the wife's bucket list, thank God.