Brian K
The tourist is my friend David Key an avid extreme deep diver there’s no way he was “just swimming” in fact he went there to do a deep dive on the boat deep exposure and on David’s Facebook page David has posted past dives with them along with YouTube videos. This looks to me like some people are hiding the truth. If any of you guys can help shed some light on this with links or pages you saw the original story related to this please let me know David was a fantastic father, friend and solid guy that deserves to have the truth come out about his death
I have no facts, but I was there, on a boat with Cozumel Marine World we had just finished our second dive (Cedral wall) and we’re returning north when we came upon the boat that had the diver face down in the water with a rope around the doubles to keep him near the boat. Our boat got close enough and we (customers) asked if they needed help and they indicated yes but our boat wouldn’t let us go help. Time is a hard thing because it seemed like forever that we were helplessly doing nothing. After talking to the crew, there were other deep exposure boats coming to assist however we would stay by in case they couldn’t get him on board and needed help. There’s quite a bit lost in translation I’m sure but Apparently if other shops got involved then there was more police involvement. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done is not jump off that boat and swim over there as was it for several on our boat. However there was no rebreather that we saw… It appeared to me that the person was diving white doubles with silver stage tanks. There were one or two sling/stage tanks that were removed and pulled on board prior to the doubles being taken off the diver. The original boat had high side hull and twin engines on the back. Two other DE boats showed up that had swim decks and they finally removed the diver onto one of those boats. When they got the diver on board they shot straight across the water to the shore/pier ... our boat went underway to return to our dock. ...
Was he diving with Deep Exposure? That was the impression we got from our boat crew. There were several new divers on our boat and we there that were shaken by seeing the event. We were later told by our shop that he had a medical event during a DECO stop but that may have just been to help our people cope with it.
sorry for the loss of your friend.