But in your house, your car, a restaurant, a grocery store or a Costco/Lowes/Home Depot, lets consider the volume of space that a given number of people are in. Chris Cuomo reported on CNN the "Viral Load" we encounter has a direct impact on the degree of sickness we may experience. So, If I'm walking through my grocery store or Costco that both have 30'+ ceilings the potential "viral load" that I could experience is so diluted based on the air space within that store that it is a far safer place to be than on a plane that has stuffed and crammed people in a tube. If you think you are safe on a plane in that tube with 50% recirculated air and masks on help yourself. I guarantee if you got on a plane and had someone beside you hacking and coughing who didn't display a temperature at the checkpoint you'd be requesting another seat far away or stuffing your mask to your face wishing you never got on that plane. Do what you will and and fly, fly away on those planes and pretend you are safer than in your car, home or grocery store.