From the 5-June noon update:
Data from -> Today Q Roo Confirmed Cases 2,071 -> 2,116 Social Isolation 404 -> 414 Hospitalized 142 -> 142 Recovered 1,126 -> 1,153 Deaths 399 -> 407 Q Roo Tests pending 194 -> 184 Cozumel Confirmed Cases 46 -> 46 Recovered 27 -> 27 Deaths 13 -> 13
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.
The state of Quintana Roo has created the official web page for re-opening activities at ¡Reactivemos Quintana Roo! | Información general. While not always the best translations, the page plays well with Google Translate, which will make it easier to navigate around the site. Keep in mind that web pages, in general, tend to be updated less frequently than announcements on social media outlets.
i had put that link under the re-opening Q Roo thread. If a moderator is listening , I still like the idea of making a sticky with the various news source links