Testing and reporting is a can of worms; see post 147 in this thread (link in the daily updates) for more information.So, Cozumel is holding it down, or are they not testing and reporting?
The Municipal President sends out encouragement on his daily Facebook updates, and yesterday he specifically said that we've gone nine days without a new reported case. So I think that Cozumel is, "holding it down".
There are only two ferry trips each way per day, and If I recall correctly, less than 100 people average on each trip. They temperature check every ferry passenger, and have now installed a, "sanitizing corridor" that mists everyone before they board the ferry. American is the only International airline arrival, and I doubt there are many passengers. I don't believe there are any domestic flights operating. Mega and Chedraui (downtown) check everyone's temperature at the door. Mega wipes down every cart, and both provide people with hand sanitizer before entering. Mega has put one-way arrows on the floor indicating direction of travel for each aisle (that's taking everyone some getting used to) to improve social distancing.
But yes, as @BRT noted, Cozumel is an island. Between that and the strong stay-at-home measures, it seems to be keeping the virus in check. I am hopeful there will be some relaxation of stay-at-home measures sometime next week; I suspect they are keeping things tight for Mothers' Day, which would ordinarily be a day for large family gatherings. Just relaxing the curfew to start at 8pm would be a big help for us; it's hard to remember to order dinner by 3pm, and I get tired of my own cooking.