Couple questions on a pony bottle for bail out

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I don't see much DIR in that video.

You guys give me the giggles. DIR works for wrecks, caves, OW, cold water, warm water, video, photography, dpvs, deep diving, shallow diving, but spearing? NO WAY, impossibru!
Dan Volker on here does lots of DIR spearo dives AFAIK and has posted lots of spearfish stories .
I don't see much DIR in that video.

You guys give me the giggles. DIR works for wrecks, caves, OW, cold water, warm water, video, photography, dpvs, deep diving, shallow diving, but spearing? NO WAY, impossibru!

Nobody is saying you can't "dive DIR" and kill a sea critter. The point is that there is no GUE/DIR methodology for spearfishing. You can wear all the DIR stuff, put a nice GUE sticker on your tank, dive, kill some critter, and call it "DIR spearfishing"... but then you will be asking for some ironic responses...

But I'd really looove to see some "DIR spearfishing" video... I'm just wondering how it looks.. A team with canister lights on their left hands, with all the long hoses, swimming together (God forbid anybody carries a pony, they must be a team), holding their spears in their right hands. hunting for a fish.. I'd looove to see that.
Once you get out of class and actually start to "get" DIR diving, you can apply it to anything. You don't need someone to give you explicit instructions for every little thing.

Its concepts and principals first and foremost. Something that's lost on a lot of you guys.
I could easily see it, though there would have to be three divers involved. This assumes that the act of hunting and shooting to be too focused to allow proper attention to ones teammate in a team of two. In a three man team, one would be the spearo and the other two would be wingmen, thus attention could be given to every member of the team at all times. They could hand off the gun if each wanted to take a turn but I'm not sure how much fish people can eat?

Same with shooting pictures or video. In all cases, some divers need to accept the role of minder, while the primary pays attention to the task. I can do this with photogs in a team of two but that's because I am self reliant and accept that I am really diving solo in the company of a photographer. I cover them and myself while they work. In a dir team, diving without redundancy, that minder needs to be watched by a third minder instead. Lynne hinted to this in post #231 when she said:

"In my world, buddies ARE reliable; on the occasions where I dive with someone (for example, a brand new diver) where I'm unsure of that, I either keep the dive so easy that I figure I can self-rescue at any point, or I dive doubles, or best of all, I bring along a third teammate who is MY bailout."

Equipment would be secondary to the act of team cohesion and I assume, suited to the task.

From my viewpoint as a highly "DIR interested and informed", but NOT DIR diver, IMHO, you just posted the definitive description of DIR spearos. NO sarcasm, irony, or "dis" is intended. Most interesting.
.....But I'd really looove to see some "DIR spearfishing" video... I'm just wondering how it looks.......

Not sure how you would "show" divers following minimum gas rules, not leaving their buddy on the bottom, and using the proper mix for the proper depth.

But the reality to your question exposes your lack of understanding of what GUE teaches. Which is the core back/plate wing, long hose, etc and the buddy system (team). EVERYTHING else is added depending on the dive. Why in the world would I carry a canister light on a daytime reef spear-fishing dive? I spear-fish and lobster dive all the time with a team and we consistently put dinner on the plate. Do I film it, no, because I don't want to mess with a freaking gopro when I am spearing or lobstering. But that is me.

What is more amusing is that "true" spearo's dive in teams all the time, one on the surface while one free dives for the fish. They consider spearing a scuba cheating. So the team system is a proven system with "true" spear fisherman. Last month I was hunting off Jupiter in 50'/60' of water, buddy on the surface when I was diving down, no tanks, but a buddy team. Should we debate spearing on scuba vs breath-hold?

---------- Post added July 30th, 2014 at 01:57 PM ----------

Solo diving. Any questions?

Man dies after diving for lobsters in Pompano Beach | News - Home
...//...Solo diving. Any questions? ...//...

Look, I'm just fine with how you guys choose to dive. I've even had personal discussions with some of the best your organization has to offer. Changed my diving and perception of risk.

Open your mind a bit and allow others to dive as they see fit. You do a disservice to your organization. None of us are telling you how to dive.
...Solo diving. Any questions?...

And so GUE diver died several weeks ago, being with team and wearing all the bp/wing/long hose.. Any questions? What's your point?

...lack of understanding of what GUE teaches. Which is the core back/plate wing, long hose, etc and the buddy system (team)....

Actually even the long hose is not a requirement:

"Long Hose: Optional in shallow, open water diving, but mandatory in deeper or overhead diving;"

OK, tell me.. If GUE is just about BP/Wing/long hose, team.. then what's the difference between GUE and DIR? I'm trying to learn.. tell me.
GUE (an agency) teaches DIR (a style of diving).

I'm not familiar with the GUE fatality you mention, but I'm interested in it. Link?

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