Wife and I are newly graduated ow course divers <YScuba> heading to Cozumel for referral dives, then get our feet wet with our first 'real' open water experiences. Already addicted to this site and all the fabulous info available here. We'll be in Cozumel April 17th, feet wet the following morning, then enjoying a relaxing 7 days. One question I've not seen addressed here... does anyone combine their diving with golf (not at the same time, of course for that would be just plain silly) :11:
We're staying at the Playa Azul as much for the golf opportunity as the fine looking accomodations. I was thinking of either golf early in the morning, then afternoon / night dives or early morning dives, then golf in the afternoon. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greeted with appreciation, either about dive ops who are newbie friendly or any other aspect of my senseless ramblings. (looking at the clock....OMG it's 3:37 am..) and of course, having just completed the classroom and pool work last Friday we've not made any reservations. I know, I know.... Bad Calvin...
We're staying at the Playa Azul as much for the golf opportunity as the fine looking accomodations. I was thinking of either golf early in the morning, then afternoon / night dives or early morning dives, then golf in the afternoon. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greeted with appreciation, either about dive ops who are newbie friendly or any other aspect of my senseless ramblings. (looking at the clock....OMG it's 3:37 am..) and of course, having just completed the classroom and pool work last Friday we've not made any reservations. I know, I know.... Bad Calvin...