At some point the chain has to be broken. I once shook hands with Barry at a dive show, does that mean they're coming after my assets next? (extreme example, but it makes a point)
I think this disagreement is essentially due to lack of concrete information. At what point is it overreaching? If there was a legitimate, arms-length transaction between Salvo and Leviathan that doesn't violate a court order, break the law or unjustly harm a third party? That sounds right, and that seems like what you're assuming. But is that really the case here? I don't know, but it would seem inconsistent with what is going on.
But what if Savlo's assets were assigned to Halcyon, or impounded by the court? Then the movement of such products to Leviathan would be likely be fraudulent and invalid, regardless of any lack of fault of Leviathan. In this case, a lot of people say H should leave Leviathan alone and go after Salvo, but it makes at least as much sense for Halcyon to get the property it has a rightful claim on, and for Leviathan to pursue Salvo/BM for the fraudulent transaction.
If someone stole your doubles, sold them to your unsuspecting neighbor and then skipped town, I'm sure you'd want the tanks back. But if your neighbor then says, "hey, I bought these fair and square, go find the guy who stole them," you'd probably rather get your property back and make the neighbor chase the fraudster to Canada in order to get his money back. If the neighbor knew or had reason to know that the tanks were stolen, it'd be an even easier case for you.
I don't think anyone here really knows exactly what the situation is, but I have enough faith in the rule of law to assume that what is happening here is not just some baseless land grab with the approval of the court.