I agree with you.....without considerable legal assistance, the Leviathan folks will have a difficult time surfing the tide of a pre-existing legal order that allows H to assume all assets of Salvo in restitution. However, almost any person of common sense would have known how to avoid this FROM THE START! Very simple. Start from absolute scratch. Don't use ANYTHING that ANYONE could argue was a relic of Salvo. For their sake, I hope they are able to reach some sort of agreement with H. However, I don't honestly know what would motivate H to succumb to any agreement short of complete injunction.
Otherwise, this is a doomed deal, no matter how much anyone likes another, no matter how good the customer service is, no matter how good the intentions are.
Phil Ellis
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Otherwise, this is a doomed deal, no matter how much anyone likes another, no matter how good the customer service is, no matter how good the intentions are.
Phil Ellis
Discount Scuba Gear at DiveSports.com - Buy Scuba Diving Equipment & Snorkeling Equipment
I certainly don't know what's going on but I think you left one point out of you analysis. Lawyers...
If JJ can afford lawyers and Cory can't, JJ's team can likely convince a judge of just about anything, whether it's true or not, if there isn't an advocate standing at the other table.
I don't know that's what happening, but I'm pointing out that having faith in the 'rule of law' and understanding how the court system works are two different things...
I have very little faith that the court system in this country is fair and honest. It's far from it...
Just my two cents...