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Wish granted. The chick next door just made you this cake...this wedding cake. I'm sorry to say that the crazy chick now thinks you're wed!

I wish someone would clean my cats' litter box so I don't have to do it.
Well you shouldn't have eaten so many pizzas.
erh, um, wish granted. But now you have no heart.

I wish I had some popcorn.
Granted. But your salad fruit hat came with a swarm of rabid fruit bats and now you are infected (with non-stop Carmen Miranda songs, not rabies).

I wish I could find a cure for allergies.
Granted. You found a cure for allergies - unfortunately a terrorist cell of bunnies has abducted you and plans to weaponize the formula. This is why you can't have nice things.

I wish we could turn in AL cans for money in Florida ...

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