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Granted but the mint tastes like dog intestines.

Wish CD hadn't made mints out of Dave's dog!

Granted but the mint tastes like dog intestines.

Wish CD hadn't made mints out of Dave's dog!

Granted. Instead he makes them out of Betty's kitty.

I wish I could get rid of the hairballs.
Granted instead the BR mints had micro razors in them and your mouth now has thousands of little cuts and your toothpaste is full of salt.

Wish CD would stop screaming like a girl!
Granted, but now CD screams like a gull.

Wish the gulls didn't have to eat garbage all the time.
Granted instead SD has to eat garbage all the time.

Wish BR was in Key Largo right now feeding the gulls some McD's fries and poptart crumbs
Granted instead SD has to eat garbage all the time.

Wish BR was in Key Largo right now feeding the gulls some McD's fries and poptart crumbs

Denied! Everyone knows BR doesn't share poptarts and even the magical powers of corrupt-a-wish can't override this personality flaw! :shakehead:

I wish Betty was a more giving person.
Granted but she's only giving to midgets. The rest get NO POPTARTS!!

Wish the midgets weren't so needy
Granted, but the no-longer-midgets take up the whole couch and hog the remote control.

Wish the midgets would let Ohm watch something on TV besides Flight of the Concords music vids.
Granted instead they watch Snow White over and over and over

Hope Ohm has lots of tissues for his midgets!

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