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Granted, but the Krimpets come with a curse on the filling (hat tip: Simpsons)

Wish the price of stamps had not gone up again
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Granted but instead your mail is only delivered the 32nd of every month

Wish my laundry was done!
Granted this will help him empty the fridge of the year old steak and the cheese that's been
Growing mold and mushrooms for the last few years

I wish my employees would help me move my shop
Granted, but you have to stay til midnight catching up...

Wish the usual traffic jams around here, weren't around here
Granted they are only on mars now but unfortunately you just learned you've been promoted to Director of traffic on Mars

Wish this conference call was OVER
Granted, but you missed all the good parts because you were reading SB

Wish I was on the mission to mars, return trip included
Granted, but it is a 150 year trip.

Wish I were still on vacation.
granted but myrtle has been invaded by liberal democrats lobbying for tax rebates for owners of golf carts

wish school shopping was over

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