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Granted but he surfaces inside the fence at Gitmo.

I hope they release him
Granted, he's released into communist Cuba.

I wish the viz in Missouri was like in the Caribbean
granted, butnow it's backed up your sewer

I wish for longer bottom times
Granted, but all his air refills are tainted with Cuban cigar smoke and augk gets addicted to cigars and then gets locked up abroud for trying to smuggle cuban cigars.

I wish augk doesn't have to be in a cuban jail for the rest of his life..
Granted, but the square meals consist of one saltine cracker, one slice of processed cheese, and a kids juice box.

I wish augk wasn't too hungry.
Granted, aug had stomach stapled and is full after consuming cheese and crackers(which by the way would be considered Square meal, :) )..

I wish dive bandit didn't have to go to Cuba to rescue aug..

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