Hi all new to the forum and the world of Scuba, I am a 100% disabled (PTSD) Veteran in Springfield, Mo. who can swim just enough to not drown and takes 3 times the effort of decent swimmers to swim forward LOL I am strongly considering taking scuba lessons for exercise and PTSD/Stress relief is this a good idea? What can I look forward to in learning. I am hoping to learn for under photography, metal detecting and fun. I am a slow learner due to my PTSD but once a concept locks into my mind I tend to remember it (Just takes longer than some folks). How much money am I looking at for gear? above the beginner basic stuff I tend to try to by stuff I can grow/learn into rather than constantly upgrade as I learn. what books, video, magazines, websites ect. should I look at? computer or ipad software that will be useful etc.
Thank you in advance for your replies.
Certified 4 days before my 51st birthday. I would spend some time strengthening your swimming, it will certainly help and is good physical exercise in its own right. You will likely see some debate about swimming skills.