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Ps what exactly is AOw + 3, it got sold to me as an add on but in not sure what I'm getting


RJP's Rule #2 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving" - buy a scuba course without knowing what it entails!


That being said £800 (~$1250 USD) for OW and AOW sounds pretty steep, irrespective of whatever AOW +3 is. I wonder if training prices are that much higher in UK than in US. If so, I might need to relocate across the pond! Even in Hawaii you'd have a hard time getting up over $1000USD for both courses in a group setting. In most of the US $1250 would get you the courses, materials, mask/fins/snorkel, all the rental gear, tanks, fills, admission to dive site, transportation to/from dive site, breakfast and lunch each day... and a lap dance.


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I know, i think my lds has the monopoly as there is no other dive shops for miles.. The two courses was £650 i paid £150 for the plus 3 which looking in my book is three extra adventure dives.

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My ow / Aow+3 costs £800 combined,, if I only get one day real diving for my ow I will be pissed off..

Ps what exactly is AOw + 3, it got sold to me as an add on but in not sure what I'm getting

Why would you pay for something if you don't know what it is? That makes no sense. The shop should have fully explained it to you. If not given you the details in writing. Every class I offer is fully explained to the student before I take any money from them.
I am back to this thread for one last post - to share my eating of crow.

I arrived at work this morning to be greeted by one of my co-workers who was in my class - who was at the quarry yesterday. "Where were you yesterday?" "Ummm, what?" That's right. If you've ready many of my other posts from other threads, you have probably already gotten that I have been a bit, shall we say, eager.

Apparently, everyone else "got" that we did not have to come back to the quarry yesterday BUT that that would mean that we would still have to do 2 more dives to be considered complete. We only actually got in and out of the water twice on Saturday, but we did all the skills, with meetings and instruction on the surface in between. I misconstrued all that as counting for separate dives and that, by going through all the skills, the message that we didn't have to come back on Sunday meant we would be "done". No, it just meant that we did all the skills, but technically we only did 2 dives and not coming back on Sunday meant I would have to complete the remaining 2 dives at a later date.

So, my co-workers were there and finished yesterday while I was sitting home posting back and forth with you all about what turns out is a non-issue.

I still feel like there is a whole lot of assuming and condescension here. And I'm certainly not happy to learn that I didn't complete my OW cert like I thought I did. But, in a way I am glad to realize that my instructor is not the terrible person that some of you have asserted.

And now I am out.

Well I sure hope you didn't log those dives!

If so, then it is imperative that you go through the full "log book expungement protocol" which involves removal and BURNING of the erroneous entries.. all of which needs to be witnessed by at least two DM or Instructors! This is serious stuff you know..

Why would you pay for something if you don't know what it is? That makes no sense. The shop should have fully explained it to you. If not given you the details in writing. Every class I offer is fully explained to the student before I take any money from them.

Well jim,
I compleated a wall dive in Murcia on the back of my scuba diver card, on the boat other divers were talking about the thistlegorm, I loved every Minuit of the experience.

Back in England I just crused up to my local LDS, explained I wanted to dive the thistlegorm nxt August, what do I need???

And so it was sold..

I now realise I'm nowhere near ready for the thistlegorm, maybe in two years after some easer uk wreck dives..

And I still don't fully understand the +3, I will have to ask on Sunday when I go back.

It has made me realise just how whimsical I can be

Well jim,

Back in England I just crused up to my local LDS, explained I wanted to dive the thistlegorm nxt August, what do I need???

And so it was sold...

It has made me realise just how whimsical I can be


Yup - when I came back from doing my certification dives I walked into my local shop and said "I want the best... one of everything!"


I now realise I'm nowhere near ready for the thistlegorm, maybe in two years after some easer uk wreck dives..

There's really nothing particularly challenging about diving the Thistlegorm. You're certainly not ready now, but no reason you can't be by August.
RJP's Rule #2 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving" - buy a scuba course without knowing what it entails!

So what's RJP's Rule #1 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving"?

Just curious :)

EDIT: Nevermind. I think I spotted it:
when I came back from doing my certification dives I walked into my local shop and said "I want the best... one of everything!"
So what's RJP's Rule #1 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving"?

RJP's Rule #1 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving" -- Try to save money by purchasing the wrong gear and then replacing it with the right gear.

I'm pretty certain that I've saved money by purchasing the gear I bought early on... because I haven't replaced any of it since.
RJP's Rule #1 of "How To Waste Money In Scuba Diving" -- Try to save money by purchasing the wrong gear and then replacing it with the right gear.

I'm pretty certain that I've saved money by purchasing the gear I bought early on... because I haven't replaced any of it since.

My wife does the EXACT same thing (at the mall).. She comes home and I ask "how much did you spend"? She invariably will say.... "I saved $XXX"

... Somehow the distinction between saving and spending money seems to escape her.
My wife does the EXACT same thing (at the mall).. She comes home and I ask "how much did you spend"? She invariably will say.... "I saved $XXX"

... Somehow the distinction between saving and spending money seems to escape her.

Yeah, I'll tell my wife - who has advanced degrees in mathematics - that if she "saves" any more money at the mall we're gonna have to sell our house.

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