Completed OW today

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Yeah, I'll tell my wife - who has advanced degrees in mathematics - that if she "saves" any more money at the mall we're gonna have to sell our house.

Why? Do you want to be beaten silly? I can do that for ya....
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Why? Do you want to be beaten silly? I can do that for ya....

Next you'll tell me that she doesn't really mean it when she says she doesn't want anything for her birthday. Oh, crap! Is the mall still open?
Next you'll tell me that she doesn't really mean it when she says she doesn't want anything for her birthday. Oh, crap! Is the mall still open?

And when you don't get her anything for her birthday, and you ask her what's wrong, and she says "I'm fine", she isn't.
And when you don't get her anything for her birthday, and you ask her what's wrong, and she says "I'm fine", she isn't.

Is "Fine" better or worse than "Whatever..." ??

I can never remember.
Oh, no. Whatever is good. It means you can go diving with the boys.

"Honey, I'm going diving with the boys."

"I thought you were going to fix the leaky toilet?"

"I'll do it when I get home."



"Honey, I'm going diving with the boys."

"I thought you were going to fix the leaky toilet?"

"I'll do it when I get home."

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Edit... nevermind... No way to delete a post I guess...
I read SB pretty frequently, but seldom post. I thought this thread was incredibly interesting. It certainly shows just how passionate, and compassionate, divers and Instructors are about their sport (craft?), (obsession?). Stuart - a hearty welcome and near congrats on what you are about to accomplish. Sometimes we forget that diving is something that only a small amount of the population engages in. To do the work necessary to obtain the OW cert is quite an accomplishment.

Now I need to let the Instructor in me say a couple of things... You posted something earlier that gave me pause. "And to respond to those critics, I do want to say the bottom line for me is that I don't believe I would learn anymore or end up any better of a diver if I had to go back to that quarry again today." You posted that on 2Nov. I can only hope that came from a place of frustration with the Board. Stuart, every time you dive makes you a better, more competent diver and buddy. The OW cert is a beginning, not the end. As you gain experience, you will find that you start noticing and seeing things you never did before. Little things like a DM's finning that seems to effortlessly keep him in the same place, or the idea of wearing a knit cap after the dive even though the air temp is 80 degrees, but the water was 55. You may find me a little preachy, but understand that no one, anywhere, at any level of diving education and experience, knows it all. Every dive is a learning experience for everyone.

With that being said, I wish you the best in all you're upcoming diving adventures. It's a great club to be a member of.
no one, anywhere, at any level of diving education and experience, knows it all. Every dive is a learning experience for everyone.
Ay-MEN, sistah!

Every diver ought to write this down in big capital letters, emboss it in gold and mount it on a place s/he is guaranteed to see it every time s/he is packing up the gear to go diving.
Thanks, armywife (and everyone else). I understand what you're saying and I agree. I was just being pissy.

I am happy to report that I'm all done now. My instructor was great in accommodating, basically, my screw-up last weekend and getting me done this past weekend.

And now for Nitrox class on Wednesday! Fortunately, I have a pretty solid foundation of basic Chemistry, from high school and college, so everything in the book seemed pretty basic. I expect to pass the class with no problems.

And I'm already scheduled for the Advanced Buoyance Control class right after Thanksgiving, which means right before I go to Riviera Maya in December.


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