This is what I do: Short hose routing optionsHi all, the only house routing I've ever used is the following:
RH Tank Long Hose behind neck clipped off on chest
LH tank short hose behind neck on necklace
Easily identified by long hose has a straight fitting coming out of the regulator and short hose has a 90 degree fitting coming out of the regulator, both of which exit the right side of the regulator.
Why am I here?
in April I am going to get O2ptima certified - that means I will be chest mounted rebreather certified and having hoses routed across my chest will no longer be an option. So, I am looking to practice getting myself comfortable with the new configuration before then. Please advise me on some of your hose routing. I almost think double long hose is better here.
Because it does not interfere with the ChOp, and for these additional reasons:
Short hose routing options
Putting the hose around your neck reduces jaw fatigue when your using it and improves streamlining when you not using it. I'm not sure why you wouldn't go this route. I've waisted a lot of time trying to engineer a better system just to land in doing it the way most of the world does it...