Cheapest certificates in the world?

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primitivepete once bubbled...

Ok, So your an english teacher now.
(Guess Law school didnt work out.)

Not sure where I was boohooing (suppose thats spelled wrong,or not a word)?

And I was not being a Drama Queen (as you put it.)
I must say I do like the way some of you (post whores) attack so many Newbies.
Also I am not really a newbie at diving. (Just new to this PUBLIC forum.)
You have no clue as to my ability.
Nor do I know anything about you.
(Lets keep it that way, ok?)

I didn't realize that you need to be an English teacher in order to form sentences and spell words.

Actually, the law has worked out well, thanks. Its fun and I don't need to whine over the internet about my inability to pay for gear and training.

If you had actually read my post, you would have noted that I didn't have any problem with the way that you are getting your training. My problem is with your attitude.


Just remember that, when you're done with the 180 day wonder course, you'll have a card that will allow you to pretend that you are a qualified instructor. There are shops that will not require more before they toss you in the water with students.

Limiting your activities will be dependent upon your own self-discipline.
roxy271 once bubbled...
Why should he care about Quality when most people who get into Diving anymore don't care about anything than price.

Presumably, he'd like to be a better diver than "most people".
Has anyone who is critical of someone attempting to obtain instructor credentials witha minimum financial outlay ever bought anything from LeisurePro? If you say its OK to shop at LP because you are getting the same gear for less, why are the value calculations for training any different?

I also see a lot of unwarranted condemnation of people going on around here. Its a bad show really. The anonymous and impersonal nature of the internet seems to bring out the worst in people and some of the worst people. I wonder what some of you are like in real life. Some of my friends have very good qualifications as divers. They are instructors and full cave certified divers. They read these forums but do not post because of all the harassment that is permitted. I believe that others who post hold back valuable information because they feel it will give others an avenue of attack. And heaven forbid that anyone have an opinion that differs from the hecklers. The result is everyone aroud here loses the benefit of their experience.

At least one member in this Forum has accused me of hypocracy for advocating the high road but getting caught in the mud slinging. All I am guilty of is being human. I have been attacked by many at once and fell prey to anger and retaliated. Some of you may have noticed a shift in my approach lately.

I think it is high time that the Regulators around here did a bit more regulating.

That's it.

leadweight once bubbled...
Has anyone who is critical of someone attempting to obtain instructor credentials witha minimum financial outlay ever bought anything from LeisurePro? If you say its OK to shop at LP because you are getting the same gear for less, why are the value calculations for training any different?

I also see a lot of unwarranted condemnation of people going on around here. Its a bad show really. The anonymous and impersonal nature of the internet seems to bring out the worst in people and some of the worst people. I wonder what some of you are like in real life. Some of my friends have very good qualifications as divers. They are instructors and full cave certified divers. They read these forums but do not post because of all the harassment that is permitted. I believe that others who post hold back valuable information because they feel it will give others an avenue of attack. And heaven forbid that anyone have an opinion that differs from the hecklers. The result is everyone aroud here loses the benefit of their experience.

At least one member in this Forum has accused me of hypocracy for advocating the high road but getting caught in the mud slinging. All I am guilty of is being human. I have been attacked by many at once and fell prey to anger and retaliated. Some of you may have noticed a shift in my approach lately.

I think it is high time that the Regulators around here did a bit more regulating.

That's it.


First of all, compared to TechDiver or Quest, this place is tame...

Ron, you really have a bad case of what we called "middle brother syndrome" in my family. Our middle brother had an uncanny ability to perpetuate fights between the older and younger siblings and then...when accused of this...would stand back with this innocent look on his face as if "what did I do?"

Ron, you have been attacked and you have attacked back in good turn. For each personal comment WW and others have made. you have had your own to match...and now you want the regulators to step in. Why? Because you picked what was OBVIOUSLY the unpopular (based on the huge number of people who have disagreed with you) side of the argument and now feel picked on?

I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. As often as not, I see you poke your head uninvited into a thread about a BP/Wing and call people "zealots" and everything else under the sun ostensibly just to stir up the make sure you are in every argument explicitly to provide a counterweight to DIR, whether it is necessary or not.

The fact of the matter, Ron, is that you've set out on your own personal crusade only to find it that it just ain't that popular around here...and now you need the mods to bail you out.

Good luck with all that...
To answer your question. No. I do not buy from LeisurePro. Never have. Never will. I buy from reputable dealers, not from back alley grey marketers who don't even dive.

I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with looking for the best deal, so long as the quality of the training is not compromised. IMHO, progressing from OW or AOW status to instructor in 6 months will, of necessity, sacrifice quality and produce a less than optimal result, regardless of the price.

My concern on the cost was directed to the quality of the equipment provided. Even then, all I said was to check it out.

Turning to the rest of your post. Nothing said in this thread was unwarranted. People are entitled to their opinions regarding 90 day wonders teaching students and supervising dives. I'm one of the people who believes that this type of training is of inherently lower quality than a lengthy term of assisting and apprenticeship.

IMHO, this Board is already over-regulated, particularly in the diving forums and particularly when the practice in question, like this thread, is a direct threat to diver safety.

I respectfully disagree with your claim that you were attacked and suggest that it was actually the other way around. However, I also suggest that we simply agree to disagree on this point since it would be a waste of bandwidth and time to argue the point.
Its kind of interesting. I mentioned no names in my post and look who comes forward to dispute it within only a few minutes. Feeling guilty guys?
You're such a clown and everyone on this board knows it... tell a moderator...a personal attack...I called you a clown!
leadweight once bubbled...
Its kind of interesting. I mentioned no names in my post and look who comes forward to dispute it within only a few minutes. Feeling guilty guys?

Crawl back under your stone, troll.

I feel no guilt for pointing out that your positions reflect a lack of knowledge that truly boggles the imagination. It strongly suggests ongoing training by one of the 90 day wonders we've been discussing.

Now run along, little boy, and hide behind a moderator's apron strings. Just make sure that your nose doesn't dig in to far or it'll get even more brown than the stuff inside your head.
leadweight once bubbled...
Has anyone who is critical of someone attempting to obtain instructor credentials witha minimum financial outlay ever bought anything from LeisurePro? If you say its OK to shop at LP because you are getting the same gear for less, why are the value calculations for training any different?

You DO get "less" when buying online from LP, Diver's Discount, Scubatoys, etc. You don't get personal contact, you don't get a great dive story or two, you don't get dive talk, you don't get that nice smell of neoprene, you don't get accountability, you don't get the manufacturer's warranty, and you don't get to hold the product before the plastic hits the counter.

For a lot of people, myself included, that's ok.

However, choosing training solely on the basis of what's cheapest and fastest is the precursor to disaster, and Jimi came across as trying to do just that.

I believe he has sufficiently explained himself, and I welcome him to the board. I feel he may be a valuable addition to the forums.

You, on the other hand, seem to only incite arguments everywhere possible for no reason whatsoever. You're a troll, but..... you don't realize it.

The scary part is that you believe all those things you say.
Another toast to the dynamic duo.

You boys must ICQ each other before posting.

Time to go, I can't seem to find the shovel.

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