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leadweight once bubbled...
Another toast to the dynamic duo.

You know that duo means two...right?

I'm just asking b/c with Jonnythan's post, the grand total of people in this and the other thread who have given you the complete smackdown far exceeds's closer to...everybody...

Earth to're the only one who believes the crap that comes out of your mouth...
digging yourself out of trouble, digging yourself in deeper or flinging more crap?
leadweight once bubbled...
Another toast to the dynamic duo.

You boys must ICQ each other before posting.

Time to go, I can't seem to find the shovel.

You're sure that its not the cause of that uncomfortable feeling when you sit.

Given the apparent co-location of your head and the shovel, I wouldn't think that it'd be all that hard to find.

Would you like a referral to a good proctologist in order that both your head and the shovel may be removed. You might be able to get a 2-for-1 special.

I've got access to the JAMA website and would be happy to forward the search results.
The shovel is to pile up all the weak BS certain intemperate persons are generating.

Matt, I said duo and I mean two. If you don't understand, I can't help you.
leadweight once bubbled...
Matt, I said duo and I mean two. If you don't understand, I can't help you. really got me with that zinger...I guess I'll bow out.

It wasn't supposed to be a "zinger" and the object isn't to get you. Just remember, I did not mention any names when I started out this afternoon.
leadweight once bubbled...
It wasn't supposed to be a "zinger" and the object isn't to get you. Just remember, I did not mention any names when I started out this afternoon.

Argument over. Leadweight added to ignore list.

Have a nice day :D
Oh, I don't know about that. I've never put anyone on my ignore list. It would detract from the fun.

Besides, those whom you would ignore are those who need to be led from the darkness into the light of knowledge.
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...
Besides, those whom you would ignore are those who need to be led from the darkness into the light of knowledge.

Your offer to lead me out of the darkness is so nice.

I have made a general statement asking for people to take the high road. In return three members reply that I am not entitled to take it, including one who, wrongfully, accused me of being a troll.

I have not seen one of you express any interest in taking the high road yourselves. Just some rationalizations for attacking a new member and trying to rip him a new body orfice.

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