Latching in to this thread. Are the guys mentioned also recommended if I want to get my cave training in backmount?
Most of the people recommended are known for teaching in sidemount. If you want BM I would talk to the guys at Zero Gravity. As stated earlier there are two main camps in Mexico cave diving. There are the Razor guys (Bogaerts, HP, Natalie Gibbs, Alexander Buess, etc). Patrick at Protec Playa is involved with the X Deep Stealth thus the guys teaching out of the Protec shops use the Stealth.
Can the Stealth guys teach the Razor? Yes but they aren't as familiar with it and are definitely more excited to teach the Stealth over the Razor. I would say the same thing in reverse too. You will see this to some extent in Florida sidemount instructors. Most instructors have their favorite rig and often struggle when you get them outside of what they know.