As those of you new to these threads will find out, we rarely get answers. Investigations can take months, and there are some privacy issues, along with possible pending litigation (i.e. the dive professionals involved, instructors, dm's, etc., will almost never comment as that can influence a court decision) that typically keep us from all the facts. By the time the facts are out everyone has forgotten about the incident so nothing is posted.
It would be great if we could get more direct feedback and answers from the various channels, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Usually, if we get any information at all, it comes from family and friends of the victim, or witnesses from the scene.
That leaves speculation and guarded comments. Ken is very active with the chamber (Catalina Hyperbolic Chamber where virtually all dive accident victims are taken on Catalina), so has availability to some information that he can share, and much that he cannot. Not to put words in his mouth, but what he posts is what he knows at the time and can repeat publicly.