My thoughts on training .... good dive training does not evaporate
.. skills do get rusty from disuse but a well trained diver is not suddenly going to be crashing into the bottom, forget his air reserve, have terrible trim or be silting up the bottom
So that explains why all the police officers trained at the police academy are such perfect protectors; no perjury, no payola, no addictions, because good training does not evaporate!
So that explains why all the priests are such angels; ten commandments and such, no lusting of the lambs, because good training does not evaporate!
So that explains why all the Heads of State are such fine leaders; everyone know about the Geneva Conventions so no past Presidents or VP's are wanted war criminals outside of their home country, because good training does not evaporate!
Oh wait, lot's of humans just don't give a rat's patootie about right or wrong, good or bad; just some pretty fish pics and a log book stamp or sticker.
There are plenty of golfers who don't; rake the sand bunker, replace divots or fix ball marks on the green, and golf is the most honest game out there!