Works out to about $20 per hour for private one to one instruction ...boat fees not included..a golf or tennis pro charges more than that and t hey do not have to be responsible for your life.
Nobody is responsible for my life underwater except me. I don 't know anyone I would trust to be responsible for my life underwater.
No instruction is needed. These would be rare one of's. New divers should take AOW. I'm an old diver, been diving 50 years this year. There was no such thing as AOW in 1968, around here anyway.
I've got the instruction already, and more practical, real world experience than most any $20.00 per hour instructor you may meet.
No brag, just fact. One dive is all I need to show my stuff. :0 That could be the 1st dive of a 2 dive trip. Most of that is paid for already, so I can throw the DM $20.00 for an hour dive, then buy lunch. Next trip no fuss.
I don't see any need for people like me with 40+ years of diving at the time, to have had to pay for an AOW card just to do some diving. I have an SSI OW card that states I've been diving since 1968 with over 1400 logged dives (now over 2000). Not good enough. That make sense?
I wanted to pass on the books, take the test, do the dives, pay a reduced rate to get the card.
No way baby, I left the book home, slept thru the classes, took the test, did the dives and paid full price. I feel I got ripped off because I did get ripped off. It's not about learning or knowledge it's about $$$$$$ and nothing more.
I'll get to use my $400.00 AOW/nitrox cards for the 1st time since I bought 'em 2012, going to FL soon!