@dmaziuk Thank you, I did see that one but I figured that there must have been another post. I just don't see how someone could read that and make the leap to 'made no effort to save herself'.
Thinking about what I would do in her shoes and what I would look like, I would probably fit that description.
On a typical giant stride off of a boat (I'm making an assumption that it was a giant stride), my arms would be 'folded'. One hand on my reg/mask and one hand a cross my chest holding whatever else. If I don't immediately surface and I realize I'm still sinking I would probably be:
- vertical trying to kick up (It would be hard for the DM to see me kicking if they are above me)
- trying to equalize quickly as my ears would be in pain (one arm 'folded')
- trying to inflate my BCD (another arm 'folded')
Maybe she was trying to reattach the LPI? That would fit the description. Maybe she was trying to orally inflate? That would fit the description and further explain the 'head tilted to one side'... I know she didn't 'respond to the DM' but what exactly was she supposed to do? Stop trying to save herself just to watch the DM chase after her?
Maybe this was 'planned' as others have put it, obviously we don't know anything for sure, but I find it hard to come to that conclusion based on that one description of the victim.
Thinking about what I would do in her shoes and what I would look like, I would probably fit that description.
On a typical giant stride off of a boat (I'm making an assumption that it was a giant stride), my arms would be 'folded'. One hand on my reg/mask and one hand a cross my chest holding whatever else. If I don't immediately surface and I realize I'm still sinking I would probably be:
- vertical trying to kick up (It would be hard for the DM to see me kicking if they are above me)
- trying to equalize quickly as my ears would be in pain (one arm 'folded')
- trying to inflate my BCD (another arm 'folded')
Maybe she was trying to reattach the LPI? That would fit the description. Maybe she was trying to orally inflate? That would fit the description and further explain the 'head tilted to one side'... I know she didn't 'respond to the DM' but what exactly was she supposed to do? Stop trying to save herself just to watch the DM chase after her?
Maybe this was 'planned' as others have put it, obviously we don't know anything for sure, but I find it hard to come to that conclusion based on that one description of the victim.