Thanks to Boulderjohn for supporting my "head for the surface" post. As he says this is what I was initially taught for OW but not only that this view has ben reinforced by several very experienced instructors since. There is no hold breath test for PADI but before starting train to dive with BSAC you have to demonstrate you can hold your breath underwater for at least 30 seconds. When I was a fit young swimmer I used to be able to do over 3 lengths of the pool underwater without surfacing, this would be about 80m and that was with the exertion / oxygen consumption of swimming. Now, despite being older, overweight and less fit I can still hold my breath for 90 + seconds. I feel all divers should practice breath holding with the aim of exceeding a minute. It gives you a lot of confidence, meaning you are less likely to panic knowing you have this time to find an alternate air source if yours fails.