It’s like b/c’s and computers, we didn’t need them only because they weren’t available, don’t need bigger tanks, just couldn’t do a very long dive, SPG what’s that for?? Not every “new” things works out but pretty much every “new” thing makes diving safer and easier once it catches on.
Of course, just because something is new does not mean it is an improvement, and just because something is an improvement does not mean you need to have it. You have to evaluate each innovation to decide.
An example is air integrated computers. My first computer was air integrated via a hose (Suunto Cobra). I really liked the air integration feature. Eventually I preferred wrist computers and decided the air integration feature was something I did not need any more. Then people were using air integration through transmitter, and I saw enough failures to connect to make me leery. Besides, I had reached the point in my life when I didn't see any real value in air integration.
Then I started backmounted technical diving, and all I had was an SPG clipped off to a D-ring. I had to unclip it and bring it up to take a look, but that was not hard, and in technical diving you have loads of extra gas in reserve, so you don't need to check it often--you just need to make sure nothing's wrong every now and then. AI computers were improving, but I did not see the point in having one. Why spend the money for something with so little value?
Then I started doing sidemount in caves. Well, that was different. I had to switch back and forth from one tank to another as the pressures dropped, and the SPGs were not in a convenient location. Meanwhile, the newer AI computers had developed more reliable transmitters, so the information would be right there on my wrist. Suddenly AI became a lot more attractive. Still, that would be a lot of money to ditch two non-AI computers and get two new AI computers. I was about to do it, but then my cave diving activity plummeted. If I get that part of my live revved up again, I will go with two new AI computers.
Summary: Innovations need to be evaluated carefully. If they make sense for your diving, do it. If they don't, leave them alone. But the fact that you have always done something differently in the past should not be a reason. Francis Bacon said something like that half a millennium ago.