When is the next Certification class? This is something I think I would like to get into.
Dive Authorization course
Diving for Science at Aquarena
To register for the Diving for Science authorization course contact Eric Peterson. Once the course is completed individuals have the opportunity to participate in the many educational, research and conservation projects that occur throughout the year. Our Scientific Diving Program helps assure that all diving operations in Spring Lake are procedurally safe as well as environmentally sensitive. Once certified, divers have limitless opportunities to participate in our Volunteer Diving Program.
Scientific Diver Authorization Course
Weekly - Two days: Saturday & Sunday
This two day course focuses on The Edwards Aquifer, the Habitat, Endangered Species, Archaeology, State & Federal Regulations governing Spring Lake and advanced diving techniques to ensure protection of this critical habitat.
Research Dives
Once a diver receives authorization to dive in the lake by completing the authorization class, that diver is eligible to participate in research dives. Aquarena Center will maintain an updated list of research projects and diving requirements. The purpose: to match available divers to the diving needs of an appropriate research project.
Diving For Science Authorization Class|Level One $230
Sign up at a Host Dive Store in your area or contact Eric Peterson.
Schedule of Classes
link is Dive Authorization course : Aquarena Center : Texas State University
Oct 18 and 19 next classes looks like.
Shawn O'Shea
2nd & 3rd 6th & 7th 18th & 19th 15 & 16th 12th & 13th