Buying Online vs Overpriced LDS

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Reaction score
Guadalajara, México
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello all, I'm a big fan of supporting the LDS, the problem is that my LDSs sells what I think is overpriced equipment (at least compared with the online prices of places like LeisurePro and ScubaToys).

Since there are only two LDS in my city (I don't live near the ocean), there's the problem that they don't have much variety in the equipment they sell, and I can't really compare their prices against other stores. For example a Mares Origin Sport MSR Plus costs $250 online, and my LDS sells it in $475 (ALMOST DOUBLE IT'S PRICE).

I Know that online stores may have less expenses than fisical stores, and that my LDS has to pay for the customs and shipping. but I still feell that it's very overpriced.

SO, my questions are as follow:

1.- Using the BCD mentioned above as an example, is it overpriced or that is the price those BCDs get in an regular store?

2.- Is it safe to buy something like a BCD or a First stage-Regulator online in stores like LeisurePro, ScubaToys, etc..?

As I said before, I'd like to support my LDS, but those prices make it very very difficult for me to buy my Equipment.

Thanks in advance for yout thoughts.
This has been beat to death hundreds of times here (online vs. LDS)

but since you're in Mexico, you might want to investigate if buying online from the US, if you can get warranty on it there?
This has been beat to death hundreds of times here (online vs. LDS)

but since you're in Mexico, you might want to investigate if buying online from the US, if you can get warranty on it there?
Question is, if you pay half the price, do you even CARE about the warranty?
I mean if theres say 3 years warranty, you can buy a new one without warranty ever 1,5 year and still break even..
Scubatoys is a real dive shop, try taking their price to your LDS and be willing to pay a small amount more to them to keep them in business and see if they can get close to the price. you need your LDS, you will not want to buy a compressor to fill your tanks and get all your advice from the internet.
All the noobs come to this realization sooner or that time they LDS already took your money :)
If you are buying everything from the LDS ask them for a deal. The LDS I go to gave me a discount on everything when I made my first purchase. Since then I have purchased everything from them. They continue to give me discounts and I continue to be happy. I could have saved maybe 5-10% buying online but the idea if I have problems they will help me makes that 5-10% pretty small. I had a light that flooded, I took it back and they replaced it right then, no questions asked. They answer questions and help steer me in the right direction every time. I may buy something from an online dealer someday but not until they piss me off, which if I told them they did so they would make it right. If you are one that thinks rock bottom pricing is the only way to go, buy online. If you want or need some kind of local service and like asking a few questions (everyone has an opinion when it comes to this sport) buy it from the LDS. Whatever makes you happier. Everyone has their own opinion on this board, use your own experinces and needs and do what you think is going to make you feel good about your purchase.
Hi there, I have a similar problem in that I live in NZ and there are not so many dive stores and those we do have have very limited stock, due in part to our small population, the prices are ridiculously expensive in almost ever case prices are x2 if not more than buying from the US or Europe even with the addition of freight costs and customs (if parcel is big enough to attract attention). This makes it very difficult for me buy the more expensive items i.e. regulators, computers, wings, plates, higher end lights etc. I have given three of my local stores a chance to at least in some way come close to one of the ONS prices on regulator and computer but unfortunately the reality the is they cannot even come close. I feel for them as they are all good guys trying make a buck in what is a very hard and limited market. So I do this, I will buy small - med items from one of the LDS regardless of price i.e. masks, fins, lower end lights, hardware etc etc as I do want to support them but for the bigger items where my saving is often 1/2 price I buy from the US or Europe. I know this pisses them off a wee bit, but at the end of the day, given economic depression etc, I will look after myself first. I only hope that those LDS stores I do make purchases from can see things from my side as I try to do theirs. I do try to be as fair as possible without getting raped. As said previously this is an ongoing point of contention with no easy answer than I can think of. Give them the chance for them to price the items you are wanting to come a little closer to an LDS often they will not be able to come even close (in my experience) but I think its only good form to at least give them the chance, Im pretty sure over here if my LDS can come closer to the price to make the sale they will but unfortunately I think the bigger problem is the distributors over here having way too much control on the prices the LDS can charge charge especially Scubapro, Aqualung and Apeks. Any "tech" type gear, if you can find, seems to have an even higher premium. Anyways just my view based on my experience. Good luck. Cheers.
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My perosonal rule of thumb:
I'll pay up to 15-20% plus sales tax (almost another 10%) over a listed online price, to keep the business with my LDS. Anymore money than that, and an online vendor gets my money.
I think thats a good idea to break it up a little bit between the two. Giving them a chance to come close to big items is only fair but if they're way off then Id go for the savings. We all need our dive shops to stay open!
Here's a good one... a recent OW student purchased all his gear online. He just couldn't resist the excellent discount. Then this guys drops all his stuff off at the LDS and expects them to set it up for free; he then proceeds to argue over the service rate. Let's get a poll from the shop owner's and see just often this happens. My vote is ALL THE TIME.

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