With a modicum of care, servicing most regs is not that difficult. There's plenty of good folks here on SB that can help with advice, manuals, tools and service kits. When you're ready you only need ask.
I'm a mechanical guy to the bone, so I don't have the slightest reservations about doing my own service. I've drafted "want to buy" posts a few times here, to try to find a copy of Regulator Savvy and Harlow's book, but always wind up deleting them before I post because life is just too chaotic lately. I know the books will just go on the shelf for a few months at best, so I figure the money is better invested elsewhere in the short term haha. It's inevitable, just a matter of acquiring the knowledge and tools. Scubaboard is a fantastic resource in general, I definitely dive into any thread I see pop up that discusses servicing regs.